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Level 7?

I want to level up. レベルアップしたい。When is level 7 going to be out? I'm willing to help with adding vocabulary and kanji if it's necessary ^_^ ご返事をお待ちしております~ ♪ くぽ! 
posted by kupo1986

Comments 6

  • pinguina
    I'm trying to get an idea of how long it takes to complete all levels (to keep motivation levels up). As you are ready for Level 7, you must have an idea?
  • opb123
    I am also waiting for level 7.
  • beeant
    I'm really sorry for the delay in updating to level 7.

    Right now I'm working on optimizing JCJP server. I'm really hoping that JCJP can get the new server soon.
    After that I will update JCJP to level 7, and several other features.

    Thank you,
  • kurusakiku
    i want level hight ¡
  • opb123
    I donated. Hope that helps with level 7.
  • Napoedge
    beenant seems bussy D: the users wants phone apps, new website, so many stuff and now level 7? what else? this is a free website and it gives us a lot !
