たかやん on Twitter: "つらい失恋をした人の曲… " Anime Dolls, Kawaii Anime Girl, Location History, Thankful, Wallpapers, Activities, Make It Yourself, Twitter, Random
『たかやん - 幸せなのかな』収録の『幸せなのかな』ジャケット
【中古】決定版 やしきたかじん / やしきたかじん
たかやん (Takayan) - 今は病んでも良いんだよ (You can leave it as it is) (Romanized)AboutGenius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge
たかやん (Takayan) - 黙れ (Shut Up) (Romanized)AboutGenius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge
新品CD 決定版 やしきたかじん
たかやん (Takayan) - 浮気は犯罪行為 (Cheating is a Crime) (English Translation)AboutGenius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge
たかやん (Takayan) - 浮気は犯罪行為 (Cheating is a crime) (2021 ver.) (Romanized)AboutGenius is the world’s biggest collection of song lyrics and musical knowledge
『たかやん』新曲 “周りを気にして鬱になる” 配信開始|あわせてMVも公開
【中古】決定版 やしきたかじん
Takayan Profile And Details
たかやん / Takayan on Instagram: “たかやん - みんなクズだ Takayan - Trash Everywhere” Japanese Pop Art, Anime Boys, Apple Music, Jpop, Worship, Avatar, Talent, Backgrounds, Manga Girl