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Strange kanji tattoo found outside Japan

Matome Funny Stuffs
Monday, February 06, 2017 at 20:20

It seems foreign people likes Japanese kanji tatoo

教育 (Education) tattoo
教育 (Education) tattoo
Source: Naver
It seems that Japanese tattoo is so popular among foreign people.
Back in the history, Franz Ferdinand of Austria visited Hakone (箱根) in 1893 and got dragon tattoo in his arm. At that time, when European royal family visited Japan, it was quite common that they tend to get tattoo in Japan.

Especially foreigners sometimes like to get kanji tattoo.
But, since many foreigners get kanji tattoo without knowing what that kanji means. Thus some kanji tattoo looks very bizarre to Japanese people.
In this article, let's take a look at these bizarre kanji tattoo photo!

No.5 父母娘 / Father Mother Daughter

Source: Naver
This tattoo is 父母娘. The meaning is "father mother daughter".
I don't understand why he get this tattoo. Maybe he loves his family so much....

No.5 性行為 / Sex

性行為 / Sex
性行為 / Sex
Okay. 性行為 means sex. It is such a straightforward tattoo, but I don't think it is a good idea to get this tattoo....

No.4 気違い / Lunatic

気違い / lunatic
気違い / lunatic
This Japanese 気違い means ”mad man” or "Lunatic".

No.3 無毒 / Non toxic

無毒 / Non toxic
無毒 / Non toxic
無毒 means nontoxic. Maybe he is nontoxic kind person.

No.2 平静および空間 / Tranquility and Space

平静および空間 means Tranquility and space. But this sentence does not make any sense.
Grammatically but totally nonsense.

No.1 見捨てられた / I was abandoned

Source: Naver
見捨てられた means "I was abandoned"
What is it...
I think tattoo artist hated him...



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Strange kanji tattoo found outside Japan
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