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Dog, cat, rabbit, and bird cafes in Japan

Matome Entertainment
Thursday, February 09, 2017 at 13:00

Japanese people loves animals

Japanese people like animals. There are tons of Tweets, photos and websites on cute animals. Especially Japanese are crazy about cute cats.
And then, few years back, cat cafe became popular in Japan. Cat cafe is a cafe which keeps cute cats and let the guests touch and hold them.

The first cat cafe in Japan was born in Osaka called "猫の時間 (Cat's time)".
Afterword, new kinds of animal cafes that keeps different animal was born one after another.

In this article, I would like to introduce you 4 kinds of animal cafe in Japan.

Cat cafe / 猫カフェ

Source: Youtube
初めて猫カフェ行ってきたんだけど もうね、可愛すぎてやばかった!! また絶対行きたい!!! 今回行った猫カフェは MoCHA(モカ)渋谷店です!! (Twitter) https://twitter.com/saaya3831 (Instagram) https://instagram.com/saaya831/ (croozblog) http://blog.crooz.jp/2771431/ お仕事依頼はこちら↓ [email protected]
Kyariko cat cafe / きゃりこ 
Kyariko cat cafe / きゃりこ 
Source: catcafe.jp

Source: catmocha.jp
Cat cafe is the most old and popular animal cafe in Japan.
There are more than 200 cat cafes in Japan.
When you visit cat cafe, you would pay around 1,000 JPY as basic price for one hour. Afterword, you have to pay around 100 JPY for every coming 10 min.
Of course, this price is just a sample. Each cat cafe has different pricing.

You can touch or hold cats in the cafe, but you must pay attention that you cannot touch sleeping or tired cats.

Following link is "cat cafe map in Japan". You can visit there to find our nearest cat cafe.

Dog cafe / 犬カフェ

Source: Youtube
気に入ったら高評価(Thumbs up)してね♡ *。+*。+*。+*。+*。+*。+*。+*。 ♡チャンネル登録♡ 【http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=3ulove】 Please subscribe to my…
Cafe+Bar A+(エープラス)浅草
Cafe+Bar A+(エープラス)浅草
Compared with cat cafe, dog cafe is quite rare to find out.
The system is the same as cat cafe. pay some amount of money, and touch them, hold them, love them.
The dogs in the dog cafe are generally well trained. Therefore you can easily enjoy communication with them.

Let me put some links of dog cafes in Tokyo.

Rabbit cafe / ウサギカフェ

Source: Youtube
下北沢のうさぎカフェおひさまへ遊びに行ってきました 生後1ヶ月の赤ちゃんうさぎが何匹もいて大変癒されました 場所: うさぎカフェおひさま http://www.rabicafe.com/ 音楽: フリー音楽素材こんとどぅふぇ http://conte-de-fees.com/
Rabbit cafe has two types.
1. A pet shop also runs rabbit cafe to promote buying rabbit at their shop.
Usagi cafe / うさぎカフェ おひさま ホーム
2. Purely rabbit cafe. (You cannot buy rabbits there)

Most of rabbit cafes are this style. The pricing is the same as cat cafe.
In Tokyo, 1,000 JPY for one hour. or 600-700 JPY for 30min.
Source: usabibi.net

Bird cafe / 鳥カフェ

Source: Youtube
ことりカフェ表参道店に行ってきました♪ 小動物がほんと大好き!! ことりカフェ ★HP http://kotoricafe.jp/
The recent boom in Japan is bird cafe. However, there are several types of bird cafes in Japan.

1. Small birds (parakeet, canary, parrot, a Java sparrow) cafe
Kotori cafe
Kotori cafe
2. Owl cafe / ふくろうカフェ
3. Penguin cafe

There is a unique bird cafe in Tokyo. That is a penguin cafe.
Of course, penguins are not walking around the cafe. They keep penguins in the water tank in the cafe.
Penguin Bar / ペンギンのいるBAR 池袋



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Dog, cat, rabbit, and bird cafes in Japan
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