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Best 4 local or prefectural ramen in Japan

Matome Culture & Lifestyle
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 19:03

There are many local or prefectural ramen in Japan

Tokushima ramen
Tokushima ramen
Ramen is one of the most famous Japanese cuisines. The ancestor of Ramen was invented in China and exported to Japan long time ago.
Afterward, Japanese people kept improving it. Japan is still experiencing the ramen boom from about 10 years ago.

The traditional Japanese ramen is shoyu (soy sauce based) taste or Miso taste.
However, these ramen are deemed to be obsolete. Currently, pork born based soup stock is pretty famous in Japan.

Moreover, these days, each local area or prefecture starts to make its original taste ramen such as Hakata ramen from Fukuoka prefecture.

In this article, I would like to introduce you 4 best local and prefectural ramen in Japan!

Hakata Ramen / Fukuoka Prefecture / 博多ラーメン (福岡県)

一枚目が博多ラーメン 二枚目が長浜ラーメン 三名目が久留米ラーメンだ🤥
似て非なる存在だ……🕵️とんこつのひとくくりじゃないんだぜ👹 https://t.co/urMvpJMx0F
博多ラーメンが旨すぎた https://t.co/W6tZ1hZari
Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン Hakata rāmen?) is a type of ramen, first derived from the Hakata region. It has a rich, milky, pork-bone tonkotsu broth and rather thin, non-curly and resilient noodles. Often, distinctive toppings such as crushed garlic, beni shoga (pickled ginger), sesame seeds, and spicy pickled mustard greens (karashi takana) are left on tables for customers to serve themselves. Ramen stalls in Hakata and Tenjin are well-known within Japan. Recent trends have made Hakata ramen one of the most popular types in Japan, and several chain restaurants specializing in Hakata ramen can be found all over the country.
Source: Wikipedia

Tokushima Ramen / Tokushima Prefecture / 徳島ラーメン (徳島県)

Tokushima Ramen
Tokushima Ramen
お腹いっぱいです〜🤤 https://t.co/CCHrdb8OZq
There are 3 kinds of Tokushima ramen which are "brown" "yellow" "White".
Currently the most famous one is brown Tokushima ramen. However, white and yellow are the original which came into birth after WWⅡ.

The brown one is also called black Tokushima ramen which is based on pork born soup stock and sensed soy sauce which goes well with thin to medium noodle.
It is quite common to use pork meat, white leek, sprout and raw egg.

Toyama black ramen / Toyama Prefecture / 富山ブラック (富山県)

富山ブラックラーメンなう #オトパラ https://t.co/GPdFbyY26W
https://t.co/eiuunChbkN https://t.co/TrBOJcG5AE
The ancestor of Toyama black was born around 1955.
At that time, many young people were working on the reconstruction work of Toyama prefecture which suffered a great damage by the Toyama major air raid.
Toyama black has strong salty taste to supply salt to these young construction workers.
The first of Toyama black restaurant "大喜 (Daiki)" started as a street stall, but it
opened a fixed restaurant at Nishimachi, Toyama prefecture later.

One company bought out "大喜 (Daiki)" and continued business.
Toyama black in Tokyo|IKITOKI

Sapporo Ramen / Sapporo City / 札幌ラーメン (札幌市)

お昼は、札幌ラーメン🍜✨✨ https://t.co/6aqCyCdOJl
北海道で最後に食べたのは札幌ラーメン😋家帰ると現実戻る〜〜 https://t.co/5qx2hUlyVF
Sapporo ramen is the first and original of the local ramen. Thick and chewy noodles with pork bone based densed miso soup.
The soup of Sapporo ramen is usually oily and heavy.
実名口コミNo.1のグルメサイトRettyでは、【ここでしか見つからない】東京 札幌ラーメンのお店探しをサポートします!「東京 札幌ラーメン」の人気店・穴場のお店など20選+αを紹介。実名で信頼できる口コミから、あなたにあったお店探しを楽しめます。
The best 20 Sapporo ramen in Tokyo / Retty



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Best 4 local or prefectural ramen in Japan
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