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Let's see how a cover of the most famous comic magazine is designed

Matome Entertainment
Friday, March 17, 2017 at 17:52

Jump is the most famous weekly comic magazine in Japan

How the cover design of Jump comics is being made
How the cover design of Jump comics is being made
Source: YouTube
There are many kinds of weekly or monthly comic magazine in Japan.
The comic is one of the most famous Japanese cultures along with anime. And the biggest comic magazine in Japan is "Jump Comics". Jump comics is a home to many famous comics of Japan such as Dragon Ball, One Piece and Kochikame.

Jump comics is edited and published by Shueisha. However the cover design of Jump comics is made by third party company called "Banana Grove Studio" .
Banana Grove Studio:バナナグローブスタジオ
That "Banana Grove Studio" released a footage on YouTube of How the cover design of Jump comics is being made.

It seems they use InDesign to design. InDesin is a designing software released and maintained by Microsoft.
They try again and again to make the best design
They try again and again to make the best design
Source: YouTube
They sometimes even retouch the very detailed place
They sometimes even retouch the very detailed place
Source: YouTube
It is a long footage for more than 7 minutes, but you will find yourself you cannot stop watching it once you started.
They try many allocations for each design and catchphrase for the best design.

You have to check this footage out by yourself to understand what a big effort they make for the best design!
Source: Youtube
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  • Lincolnonion
    Thanks for the matome.

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Let's see how a cover of the most famous  comic magazine is designed
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