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Beautiful nature escapes for your trip in Tokyo

Matome Culture & Lifestyle
Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 13:04

How about spending your time slowly in the nature

Tokyo is such a metropolitan city with hundreds of buildings.
It is good to work or enjoy at here in Tokyo. But maybe, sometimes you feel tired of this city seeking for the nature especially if you are from country with a lot of nature.

In this article. I would like to introduce you 4 best hideaway that you can feel the nature with fresh air!

Kiyosumi Garden / 清澄庭園

Kiyosumi Garden (清澄庭園 Kiyosumi Teien?) is a traditional Japanese stroll garden located in Fukagawa, Tokyo. It was constructed along classic principles in 1878-85, during the Meiji Period, by the shipping financier and industrialist Iwasaki Yatarō.[1] By subtle hints in path construction and placement the visitor is led on a walk around the lake. Water-worn boulders were brought in from all over Japan, to give the garden its character; hills and dry waterfalls were constructed with them and two sequences of them form stepping-stones (isowatari) across small inlets of the lake, which almost completely fills the garden, allowing a pathway of many picturesque episodes around its perimeter. In fact only a narrow band of perimeter planting screens the garden from the structures along Kiyosumi Dori.[2] There are three big islands and a teahouse on the pond. The garden covers an area of about 81,000 square metres.
Source: Wikipedia
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden
Kiyosumi Garden

Todoroki Valley / 等々力渓谷

Todoroki Vally is the only one valley in the main 23 wards of Tokyo.
Just 5 min away from Todoroki station of Tokyu-Oimachi line.
Walking along Yazawa river, you can find not only trees but also variety of hygrophytes and earth faults.
If you proceed more, it will lead to Todoroki Valley Park.
This place shows completely different view on each season.
You can enjoy real nature in the urban city Tokyo!
Todoroki Valley
Todoroki Valley
Todoroki Park
Todoroki Park
等々力渓谷にいってきました????✨ 水が流れる音、落ち葉を踏む音、鳥の鳴き声…???? 時間がゆっくり流れていました???? おみくじ大吉???????? いいことありそう✨ たまにはパーク外で癒されるのもいいかなぁと…???? いろんな写真撮りたいな???????????? https://t.co/rp3o0QQgqI

Shinjuku Gyoen / 新宿御苑

Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (新宿御苑 Shinjuku Gyoen?) is a large park with an eminent garden in Shinjuku and Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan. About 31% of the park's area is in Shibuya Ward, with the remaining 69% in Shinjuku Ward. It was originally a residence of the Naitō family in the Edo period. Afterwards, it became a garden under the management of the Imperial Household Agency of Japan. It is now a park under the jurisdiction of the national Ministry of the Environment.
Source: Wikipedia
言の葉の庭 聖地巡礼@新宿御苑
(EOS M EF M 18-55㎜ STM) https://t.co/g78wBRdXvi

Inokashira Natural Park / 井の頭自然公園

Inokashira Park (井の頭恩賜公園 Inokashira Onshi Kōen?) straddles Musashino and Mitaka in western Tokyo, Japan. Inokashira Pond (井の頭池) and the Kanda River water source (神田上水 Kanda jōsui?), established during the Edo period, are the primary sources of the Kanda River.

The land was given to Tokyo in 1913. On May 1, 1918, it opened under the name Inokashira Onshi Kōen (井の頭恩賜公園), which can be translated as, "Inokashira Imperial Grant Park". Thus the park was considered a gift from the Emperor to the general public. This was the first time in Tokyo that a park was founded in such a manner
Source: Wikipedia
Inokashira Park
Inokashira Park



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