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New chocolate taste yakisoba instant noodle

Matome Funny Stuffs
Friday, January 27, 2017 at 09:44

New chocolate taste Yakisoba instant noodle

Saint Valentine's day is coming. On Feb 14th, many girls give chocolates away to boys they like.
But they also have Giri-Choco (義理チョコ: Friend chocolate).
Giri-choco is a chocolate to give away to friends in order to show friendships or expecting for return.

But just an ordinary chocolate is not interesting.
Some maker try to keep making ridiculous chocolate related product for funny Giri-Choco.
This year, we have the most stupid Chocolate related product!

That is "Chocolate yakisoba noodle", made by noodle specialist Myojo company (明星).
Ordinary cup yakisoba noodle is like this.
This chocolate yakisoba noodle is like this.
Chocolate Yakisoba noodle
Chocolate Yakisoba noodle
It looks more like chocolate color.
According to review,

"taste is not that bad because it is not that sweet as expected"
"But I don't need one more of it"

Maybe not that bad, but not that good.

If you want to surprise your friend, you can get this and give it to him/her!

You can buy this Myojo chocolate Yakisoba noodle from here! ↓↓↓↓

And rival company "Peyoung" released another Cup chocolate Yakisoba noodle too

And rival company "Peyoung" released another Cup chocolate Yakisoba noodle.

According to review, this one is sweeter than first one.
If you want to really surprise your friend, this one is the best choice for you. :D
Lovely Peyang chocolate Yakisoba noodle
Lovely Peyang chocolate Yakisoba noodle
Full set of Chocolate yakisoba noodle
Full set of Chocolate yakisoba noodle
Sweet chocolate Yakisoba noodle with crouton
Sweet chocolate Yakisoba noodle with crouton

You can buy Peyang chocolate Yakisoba noodle from here! ↓↓↓↓


Comments 2

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  • shirokitsune
    I saw chocolate yakisoba at my local supermarket last week. My wife really wants to try it.
  • beeant
    Do they have this in Conbini?

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New chocolate taste yakisoba instant noodle
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