JLPT 5 kanji
English Public
Vocabulary List
- 二十四日にじゅうよっかTwenty-four days, 24th day of the monthnew2094
- 二十三日にじゅうさんにちTwenty-three days, 23rd day of the monthnew2093
- 二十二日にじゅうににちTwenty-two days, 22nd day of the monthnew2092
- 二十一日にじゅういちにちTwenty-one days, 21st day of the monthnew2091
- 二十日はつかTwenty days, 20th day of the monthnew2090
- 十九日じゅうくにちNineteen days, 19th day of the monthnew2089
- 十八日じゅうはちにちEighteen days, 18th day of the monthnew2088
- 十七日じゅうしちにちSeventeen days, 17th day of the monthnew1880
- 十六日じゅうろくにちSixteen days, 16th day of the monthnew1879
- 十五日じゅうごにちFifteen days, 15th day of the monthnew1878
- 十四日じゅうよっかFourteen days, 14th day of the monthnew1877
- 十三日じゅうさんにちThirteen days, 13th day of the monthnew1876
- 十二日じゅうににちTwelve days, 12th day of the monthnew1875
- 十一日じゅういちにちEleven days, 11th day of the monthnew1874
- 十日とおかTen days, 10th day of the monthnew1873
- 九日ここのかNine days, 9th day of the monthnew1872
- 八日ようかEight days, 8th day of the monthnew1871
- 七日なのかSeven days, 7th day of the monthnew1870
- 六日むいかSix days, 6th day of the monthnew1869
- 五日いつかFive days, 5th day of the monthnew1868
- 四日よっかFour days, 4th day of the monthnew1867
- 三日みっかThree days, 3rd day of the monthnew1866
- 二日ふつかTwo days, 2nd day of the monthnew1865
- 一日いちにち, ツイタチOne day, 1st day of the monthnew1864
- 日にち, ヒDay, sunnew1863
- 百万ひゃくまんOne million (1,000,000)new1862
- 二十万にじゅうまんTwo hundred thousand (200,000)new1861
- 十万じゅうまんHundred thousand (100,000)new1860
- 九万きゅうまんNinety thousand (90,000)new1858
- 八万はちまんEighty thousand (80,000)new1857
- 七万ななまんSeventy thousand (70,000)new1856
- 六万ろくまんSixty thousand (60,000)new1855
- 五万ごまんFifty thousand (50,000)new1854
- 四万よんまんFourty thousand (40,000)new1853
- 三万さんまんThirty thousand (30,000)new1852
- 二万にまんTwenty thousand (20,000)new1851
- 万まんTen thousandnew1850
- 九千きゅうせんNine thousandnew1849
- 八千はっせんEight thousandnew1848
- 七千ななせんSeven thousandnew1847
- 六千ろくせんSix thousandnew1846
- 五千ごせんFive thousandnew1845
- 四千よんせんFour thousandnew1844
- 三千さんぜんThree thousandnew1843
- 二千にせんTwo thousandnew1842
- 一千いっせんOne thousandnew1841
- 千せんA thousandnew1840
- 九百きゅうひゃくNine hundrednew1838
- 八百はっぴゃくEight hundrednew1837
- 七百ななひゃくSeven hundrednew1836
- 六百ろっぴゃくSix hundrednew1835
- 五百ごひゃくFive hundrednew1834
- 四百よんひゃくFour hundrednew1833
- 三百さんびゃくThree hundrednew1832
- 二百にひゃくTwo hundrednew1830
- 百ひゃく(One) hundrednew1829
- 十じゅうTennew43
- 九つここのつNine (things)new42
- 九きゅう, くNinenew41
- 八つやっつEight (things)new40
- 八はちEightnew39
- 七つななつSeven (things)new38
- 七ななSevennew37
- 六つむっつSix (things)new36
- 六ろくSixnew35
- 五ついつつFive (things)new34
- 五ごFivenew33
- 四つよっつFour (things)new32
- 四よん, シFournew31
- 三つみっつThree (things)new30
- 三さんThreenew29
- 二つふたつTwo (things)new28
- 二にTwonew27
- 一つひとつOne (thing)new26
- 一いちOnenew25