English Public
by mcosme00
Vocabulary List
- 行儀ぎょうぎmanner, behaviornew30429
- 個性こせいindividualitynew30427
- 特性とくせいspecial characteristics, special qualitynew30425
- 裏腹うらはらopposite, reverse, contrarynew30421
- 立体的りったいてきthree dimensionalnew30420
- 頻度ひんどfrequencynew30417
- 情熱じょうねつpassion, enthusiasmnew30415
- 現場げんばactual spot, scene, scene of crimenew30414
- 錯覚さっかくillusion, hallucinationnew30412
- 三角関係さんかくかんけいlove trianglenew30411
- 嫌がるいやがるhate, dislikenew30269
- 義理社会ぎりしゃかいsociety of obligationnew30268
- 機能きのうfunction, featurenew30065
- 空席くうせきvacant seat, (extra) roomnew30009
- 盛んさかんprosperous, flourishing, energeticnew29996
- 湿度しつどhumiditynew29994
- 判断はんだんjudgement, decisionnew29989
- 状態じょうたいcurrent status, condition, circumstancesnew29988