Time and its adverbs
English Public
by mcosme00
Vocabulary List
- 夜中よなかmidnightnew30074
- 昼間ひるまduring the day, daytimenew30073
- 冬ふゆwinternew30072
- 秋あきfallnew30071
- 夏なつsummernew30070
- 春はるspringnew30069
- 現代げんだいnowadays, modern timenew30064
- 一度ひとたびonce, one time, on one occasionnew30052
- 再びふたたびagain, once more, a second timenew30051
- またまたagainnew30050
- 今いまnownew30049
- 今夜こんやthis nightnew30048
- 夜よるnightnew30047
- 夕ゆうeveningnew30046
- 昼ひるmiddaynew30045
- 朝あさmorningnew30044
- 週末しゅうまつweekendnew30043
- 週しゅうweeknew30042
- 先年せんねんthe last yearnew30041
- 先月せんげつthe last monthnew30040
- 今月こんげつthis monthnew30039
- 来年らいねんthe next yearnew30038
- 今年ことしthis yearnew30036
- 一昨日おとといthe day before yesterdaynew30035
- 明日あしたtomorrownew30034
- 昨日きのうyesterdaynew30033
- 今日きょうtodaynew30032
- 年としyearnew30031
- 月がつmonthnew30030
- 日ひdaynew30029
- 秒びょうsecondnew30028
- 分ふんminutenew30027
- 時間じかんTimenew30026