English Public
by bluwy
Vocabulary List
- 肉体にくたいthe body, the fleshnew21708
- 朝鮮ちょうせんKorea (Before it split into North and South)new21707
- 処女しょじょvirgin, maidennew21706
- 実在(する)じつざいreality, existencenew21705
- 映像えいぞうreflection, imagenew21704
- 唯一ゆいいつonly, sole, uniquenew21703
- 無論むろんof course, naturally (adv)new21702
- 本来ほんらいoriginallynew21701
- 保障(する)ほしょうguarantee, securitynew21700
- 捕獲(する)ほかくcapture, seizurenew21699
- 復讐(する)ふくしゅうrevengenew21698
- 浜辺はまべbeach, foreshorenew21697
- 作り物つくりものartificial product, decoration, fake, cropnew21696
- 重力じゅうりょくgravitynew21695
- 至高しこう(な)supreme, supremacynew21694
- 貴様きさまyou (vulgar)new21693
- 穏やか(な)おだやかcalm, gentle, quietnew21692
- 偽りいつわりlie, falsehood, fiction, fabricationnew21691
- 了解りょうかいRoger, Understoodnew21690
- あかんべあかんべfacial gesture of pulling one's eyelid down and sticking out one's tonguenew21689