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What is the difference between 才 and 歳 when stating how old you are? Are they… - Feed Post by lawliets

What is the difference between 才 and 歳 when stating how old you are? Are they interchangeable?

Or perhaps, is one more generally used for younger people and the other for older people?

I was taught "才" on this Japanese language learning site I use, but when I was reading an article about a Japanese band that I fancy, the singer used "歳" upon being asked how old he was, as opposed to "才".
posted by lawliets

Comments 4

  • mog86uk
    Basically is just that 才 is taught earlier in school by a few years and is easier to write on paper. 才 actually means something more like "talent, gift, ability" but has become a very common shorthand replacement for 歳. Both are understood as the exact same thing, although maybe in formal business writing the use of 才 might be looked down upon, idk though.

    歳 is still the proper one to use to write your age, and on a computer both take the same amount of effort to type anyway. 才 is often still used for this on a computer though, maybe just for style reasons or because a more simple looking kanji would be easier for the people reading. ^^
  • mog86uk
    Just to be more clear: It is only for stating how old you are that you can substitute the kanji 才 as shorthand for 歳. For other words you can't swap them, because those two kanji really do have different meanings to eachother.

    ・The kanji 歳 is used in compound words to do with years and things happening annually.
    ・The kanji 才 is used in compound words to do with talent and genius.
  • Kakka_rotSRL
    Not commenting to give, but rather, to say, onec again, Mog rides or dies. Shout out.
  • lawliets
    Thanks so much! Your answers are always so thorough and I really do learn greatly from them! あけましておめでとうございます!


