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Well, I can't have good luck forever..... It's official, I suck at grammar. - Feed Post by KenjiSama

Well, I can't have good luck forever..... It's official, I suck at grammar.

Vocabulary? No problem!
Kanji? Like abc's!!
Pronunciation? Got it down before I finished the kana!

O.p I can do everything, except grammar T_T. I just don't know why, I'm just horrible at it, like singing.......Hmmmm...everyone's good at grammar, I'm not. People have trouble with Kanji....I don't.....Am I getting the short end of the stick of no?
posted by KenjiSama

Comments 3

  • Arachkid
    Not everyone is good at grammar. We all have to work at it.
  • mog86uk
    Grammar is the thing I struggle with most, or at least the putting it into a sentence part of it. Kanji seems much easier to me in comparison.

    It doesn't help that every different resource has their own terminologies and very often say stuff which contradicts what the previous resource you were looking at said. Kanji is straight forward, where you are either right or wrong, but grammar seems to a be a lot more vague with everyone having different opinions on exactly what things mean and what is possible or impossible.

    It also didn't help that I left school not being able to tell you what verbs, nouns and adjectives are. I don't remember getting taught much at all about English grammar at school here in England... So I eventually had to take some time out from learning Japanese and go learn the basics of English grammar from sites like these:

    I've only recently beginning to get OK at composing my own sentences in Japanese. I've never really practiced writing my own sentences much before. However, for the last couple of weeks I have been using Duolingo.com to train myself on sentence writing ability, which has been helping me out a lot with this. ^^
  • Koukyoshi
    I second mog's sentiments. Knowing how grammar works in English will help with Japanese grammar. When I read に is also used to indicate an indirect object, I had no idea what an indirect object was in English. For me, anyway, that made it difficult to visualize how to properly use it until I understood how to identify it in English.


