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What does "覚" mean?? I was playing shogi on my phone, it's behind level… - Feed Post by KenjiSama

What does "覚" mean??

I was playing shogi on my phone, it's behind level zero....( I still lose to the computer)
posted by KenjiSama

Comments 8

  • Ineedaname
    Have you tried searching for it in a dictionary wikipedia rikaichan...
    Thanks for not doing so because now I have interesting reading materials.
    Satori are as quoted from wikipedia : in Japanese folklore are supernatural monsters able to read people's minds.
    rikaichan gives a similar definition mythical being that can read minds.
  • KenjiSama
    I don't think that's my definition in looking for.....I'm playing shogi.....
  • mog86uk
    Are you certain that the kanji is being used completely on its own?

    The kanji itself comes from an older kanji: 覺. The kanji 覚 basically means "sense". For the many words it is used in, 覚 gives various meanings like "realise, wake up, remember, discover, feel"--all meanings related "sense".

    覚える【おぼえる】= remember
    覚める【さめる】= wake up, come to one's senses
    感覚【かんかく】= feeling, sensation
    視覚【しかく】= sense of sight, vision
    知覚【ちかく】= perception
    錯覚【さっかく】= illusion, hallucination

    If 覚 really is being used on its own, and you don't think it is what Ineedaname has said, then maybe it could be being used as an abbreviation. I don't know though. ^^
  • KenjiSama
    I believe it's an abbreviation....... The game has anticipation of kanji, but I know what it means..

    Josh's says learn. So I guess it means a learning game of some sort?? I suck at shogi xD
  • MintyHippo
    覚 by itself is a mythical being that can read minds. If your interested in it there is some lore here "https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A6%9A"
  • MintyHippo
    Just saw Ineedaname's post my bad ><

    I couldn't find anything for it here http://www.shogi.net/shogivocab/vocabhtml.html except some cases of it being in other words like 覚悟.
  • KenjiSama
    Can't read the wiki =><=
  • MintyHippo
    It just talks about folklore and uses in classical writing, as for the actual origin it says it was originally depicted in the edo period. ^^


