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List of SPAM Users

Hello, fellow learners.

I just came up with the idea to make a list of users who have done nothing but spam completely unrelated things (e.g., ads, self-promotion) on the website's feed--basically anything outside the purpose of this website.

I see no point in checking out what those spam links are--as long as they have no recorded activities in this website since the day they joined. Their spam activities do not only make the feeds look annoyingly cluttered, but also makes the website, as a whole, vulnerable to uninvited outsiders.

This is a proposal to have these users' profiles deleted from this website and to ban their email address from getting registered again if they ever return to this website.

You, fellow learners (legit users), are free to add spam accounts if they're not here already.

Without further ado, here are some spam users I've seen these past few days:

benniegeorge (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/95612)
datdathc (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/89248)
iphone8case (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/93764)
jamesrivard (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/94222)
jodi (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/96099)
kimloo (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/92263)
meecase (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/96126)
nemesh (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/92714)
smily (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/94622)
sunrise (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/95839)
YogaDW (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/96096)

posted by miharusshi

Comments 20

  • wigglysquire
    I hope they get deleted
  • _Heiyou_
    they're disgusting. That's rude to say but it's plain annoying and all I wanna do is learn like the rest of us. NO spamming No unrelated subject and NO learners that give up too easily
  • rblopes
    That last one on the list looks like some random user, like the ones that log in just to post “weeaboos duh!”, then vanish forever...

    I wonder if this was suggested before. What we really need is some kind of moderation system, and some trustful moderators to manage it, so we could report those spammers in place at take action against them, case by case. Such a system would be a pain to implement, however...
  • miharusshi
    That's true. With only @beeant chiefly running this site, a reporting/flagging system might be a dream for now. Regardless, this thread shall serve as an alternative means to hopefully have those accounts deleted for good.
  • Yoshipon
    Glad to see so much effort coming from some users, it's a really great step in direction of a better site, and into a healthy growing community as well.
    Hope the spammers gets kicked soon ヽ(#`Д´)ノ┌┛
  • miharusshi
    @ Yoshipon I really like this place and the people who are here to actually learn the language are all nice people. I wouldn't want a website like this get drowned easily by spammers. They should be gone from this haven of ours.
  • Yoshipon
  • miharusshi
    Much appreciated, Yoshipon!
  • armerala
    Or, very simple solution, make a point requirement for people to be able to post. Nothing crazy, maybe like people with less than 200 points can't post on the social feed. Spammers won't take the time to do it, but any normal user will meet that within the first hour or two of using this site, even if you're an absolute beginner.
  • miharusshi
    @ armerala

    Yes. That is simple and a pretty straightforward possible solution! Thanks for your suggestion. I hope @beeant notices this.
  • japanaki
    Spammers in here? wow! thanks for the Post!
  • Orval90
  • Orval90
  • ieptbarakat
    Level 2 should be a prerequisite to post in the social feeds. Even if it doesn't stop them it should slow them down a little.
  • miharusshi
    I actually agree with @armerala's solution as there might be upcoming beginners who might need to ask for help with stuff, and posting on the forums would be their best way (for now) to have those questions addressed. But, yeah, Level 2 doesn't sound bad either... Whichever @beeant sees fit.
  • miharusshi
    It's bothersome that the spammers have begun replying to posts now. :/
  • rblopes
    May I add one to the list too?

    → @phodogo (https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/99270)

    It's good to know that most of the spam got deleted recently. I recall another bot (@100Loolo / https://japaneseclass.jp/user/statistics/96343) used to post walls of links in succession and we could do nothing about it. Their posts are gone too, but who knows when another bot will sneak in and cause more trouble... Maybe never again? :)
  • rblopes
    OK, I've spent half an hour today, and another ½ hour yesterday, and just compiled a list with 40 or so spam accounts lurking on JCJP. I don't want this post to look like an spam full of weird links too, so I decided to keep that list on a separate link here: . Maybe I'll keep updating that list, maybe not.

    Most of the posts from those accounts on the social feeds have been deleted already, save for one account but I don't remember which one, but they often appear replying on forum and feed posts from other real users. Some accounts are more than 2 years old already, and keep spamming happily.
  • rblopes
    Duh, the list is here: [https :// gist . github . com /rblopes/8dbf418bb7fab7275b4a9422812bec5b].

    (And if you're viewing only this post, click above to expand and see all comments before this one, including the one supposed to have this link attached *facepalm*.)
  • mangalover4u


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