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Anime vs Real: Girls

Matome Anime
Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 15:38


Comments 3

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  • FelliVox
    Except for the first image comparison where the face on the right looks weird, I prefer the anime versions even when the real life ones look good to me. Well drawn characters are generally more appealing than real people to me. Even if they "animefy" real life images, the artists usually also pretty them up so they look better than their real life references.

    So yeah, 3DPD.
  • mirandalad
    i prefer two of the 3d(the 1st one and the 5th one) tbh
  • FelliVox
    The fifth one on the left just looks too much like a kid to me (and I'm supposedly a lolicon).

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Anime vs Real: Girls
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