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What can you do with 500 Yen or around $5 (USD) in Japan?

With just 500円 (500 Yen) or $5 (USD), you can do all these kinds of activities in Japan.

1. Shopping in 100 Yen Shop

100 yen shops sell a lot of items for only 100 yen each. However, you still need to prepare for 8% consumption tax. So, you can only buy 4 items from 100 yen shop. You can buy all sort kind of things such as houshold appliances, cutlery, stationery, and dried food.
Japanese 100-yen-shop is simply awesome! - JapaneseClass.jp
For more information check out this matome about 100 yen shop.
100 Yen Shop
100 Yen Shop

2. Take a Bath in Sento

When you feel tired, you can use a 500 yen coin to take a nice warm bath in sento. There are certain rules that you need to obey when you are in sento, such as to bring your own towel and soap. However, there are some bigger sento that provide them for you.
Sento for women
Sento for women
Source: Biglobe
Sento for men
Sento for men
Shinobu Machida (Researcher of popular culture) Since old times in Japan, it has been believed that bathing not only washes the dirt from your body but cleanses
Let’s go to “Sento”, a public bath house! | JAPAN Monthly Web Magazine

3. Try Your Luck in Omikuji

Omikuji is commonly known as Japanese Fortune Paper. This fortune paper will have writings that depict your future. To get omikuji you need to donate from about 100 to 500 yen.
Fortune Paper
Fortune Paper
Source: Farmofminds
Source: Pop Gallery

4. Eat a Bowl of Kaisendon

When you're hungry, try to eat kaisendon. They're delicious, healthy and affordable.
Source: Sushi Hotei
Kaisendon Storefront
Kaisendon Storefront
Source: Hakobura

5. Rent a Bicycle

If you want to enjoy the beauty of Tokyo without having to walk through all the crowds, renting a bicycle can be the right option for you. The most affordable rental bicycle you can get is 500 yen.
Rental Bicycle
Rental Bicycle
Cycling tokyo | Rent a bike shop guide



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What can you do with 500 Yen or around $5 (USD) in Japan?
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