Nouns - Family
English Public
Vocabulary taken from Wiktionary
Thanks to Gituska!
Heavily modified to take in account the differences between the speaker's family and the other's family. Not complete.
Thanks to Gituska!
Heavily modified to take in account the differences between the speaker's family and the other's family. Not complete.
by spanz
Vocabulary List
- 甥御おいごnephew (other's family)new8256
- 甥おいnephew (my family)new8255
- 姪御めいごniece (other's family)new8254
- 姪めいniece (my family)new8253
- 伯母さん / 叔母さんおばさんaunt (other's family)new8252
- 伯母 / 叔母おばaunt (my family)new8251
- 伯父さん / 叔父さんおじさんuncle (other's family)new8250
- 伯父 / 叔父おじuncle (my family)new8249
- お孫さんおまごさんgrandchild (other's family)new8248
- 孫まごgrandchild (my family)new8247
- お祖母さんおばあさんgrandmother (other's family)new8246
- 祖母そぼgrandmother (my family)new8245
- お祖父さんおじいさんgrandfather (other's family)new8244
- 祖父そふgrandfather (my family)new8242
- 妹さんいもうとさんyounger sister (other's family)new8241
- 妹いもうとyounger sister (my family)new8240
- 弟さんおとうとさんyounger brother (other's family)new8239
- 弟おとうとyounger brother (my family)new8238
- お姉さんおねえさんolder sister (other's family)new8237
- 姉あねolder sister (my family)new8236
- お兄さんおにいさんolder brother (other's family)new8235
- 兄あにolder brother (my family)new8234
- ご主人 / 旦那さんごしゅじん / だんなさんhusband (other's family)new8233
- 夫おっとhusband (my family)new8229
- 奥さんおくさんwife (other's family)new8228
- 妻つまwife (my family)new8227
- お母さんおかあさんmother (other's family)new8226
- 母ははmother (my family)new8225
- お父さんおとうさんfather (other's family)new8224
- 父ちちfather (my family)new8223
- 従兄弟 / 従姉妹 / 従兄 / 従弟 / 従姉 / 従妹いとこcousinnew8017
- 姉妹しまいsistersnew8011
- 兄弟きょうだいbrothers / siblingsnew8010
- 子供こどもchildren/childnew8001
- 親おやparentsnew8000