JLPT N2 Vocabulary (Adjective)
English Public
This list contains vocabulary of Japanese adjectives that may appear in JLPT N2. The vocabulary list was taken from a book of JLPT N2 test questions.
Na-adjectives (words that have the letter な after them) are listed with な but that can be omitted in some sentences, and instead end with a だ/です.
Na-adjectives (words that have the letter な after them) are listed with な but that can be omitted in some sentences, and instead end with a だ/です.
by raieru
Vocabulary List
- ろくなdecent, satisfactorynew54418
- 楽ならくなeasy, comfortablenew54417
- やっかいなtroublesome, bothersomenew54416
- 無邪気なむじゃきなinnocentnew54415
- 惨めなみじめなmiserable, wretchednew54414
- ましなpreferable, betternew54413
- 朗らかなほがらかなbright, cheerfulnew54412
- ひきょうなunfairnew54411
- 生意気ななまいきなflippant, impudent, insolentnew54410
- 重要なじゅうようなimportantnew54409
- 下品なげひんなvulgarnew54408
- 強力なきょうりょくなpowerful, strongnew54407
- 器用なきようなskillfullnew54406
- 急速なきゅうそくなfast, rapidnew54405
- 急激なきゅうげきなsudden, sharpnew54404
- 穏やかなおだやかなcalm, gentle, quietnew54402
- 穏やかなおだやかなcalm, gentle, quietnew54401
- 面倒くさいめんどうくさいtroublesomenew54400
- 哀れなあわれなpity, griefnew54399
- やかましいnoisy, boisterousnew54397
- 醜いみにくいugly, unattractivenew54395
- みっともないshameful, disgracefulnew54394
- ふさわしいsuitablenew54393
- 人懐っこいひとなつっこいsociable, friendlynew54392
- 等しいひとしいequalnew54391
- ばからしいabsurdnew54390
- 懐かしいなつかしいnostalgicnew54389
- 情ないなさけないmiserable, patheticnew54388
- だるいsluggishnew54387
- だらしないslovenly, untidy, lazynew54386
- 頼もいいたのもいいreliablenew54385
- そうぞうしいnoisynew54384
- くどいwordy, verbosenew54383
- おしいregrettablenew54382
- うっとうしいgloomynew54381
- 荒いあらいrough, wildnew54380
- 怪しいあやしいsuspiciousnew54379