JLPT N2 Vocabulary (Adverbs)
English Public
This list contains vocabulary of Japanese adverbs that may appear in JLPT N2. The vocabulary list was taken from a book of JLPT N2 test questions.
by raieru
Vocabulary List
- 割に、割と、割合わりに、わりと、わりあいcomparatively, relativelynew54500
- ようやくfinally, at lastnew54499
- 要するにようするにin a word, the point is...new54498
- やっとat lastnew54497
- やがて1. before long, soon 2. almost, nearly 3. finally, in the endnew54496
- もしかすると〜かもしれないit may be that ~, perhaps ~new54495
- もう少しでもうすこしでjust a little morenew54494
- むしろrather, contrarynew54493
- まばたきblinknew54492
- 真っ先にまっさきにin the front, foremost, ahead of all other thingsnew54491
- ひとりでにautomaticallynew54490
- ぴったりtightly, closely, exactly, preciselynew54489
- 必死にdesperatelynew54488
- ばったり1. unexpectedly 2. with a clash, with a thud, with a bang, with a flop, plumpnew54487
- 果たしてはたしてas was expectednew54486
- 何とかなんとかsomehownew54485
- 何となくなんとなくsomehow or other, for some reason or anothernew54484
- 何とも〜ないなんとも〜ないI cannot ~ one way or the othernew54483
- どっとin a rush, in a surge, flooding innew54480
- 突然とつぜんsuddenlynew54479
- とっくにlong time agonew54478
- とうとうat lastnew54477
- どうしてもno matter whatnew54476
- ついにfinallynew54475
- ちらっとat a glance, by accidentnew54474
- ちっとも〜ないnot even slightly ~new54473
- たびたびoftennew54472
- たっぷりample, plenty (of)new54471
- たった今たったいまjust now, a few moments agonew54470
- 直ちにただちにimmediatelynew54469
- 絶えずたえずconstantly, continuallynew54468
- 続々とぞくぞくとsuccessively, one after the othernew54467
- せめてat leastnew54466
- せっかくat great pains, with great troublenew54465
- ずらっと/ずらりとin a row, in a linenew54464
- すでにalreadynew54462
- ずっとcontinuously in some state (for a long time, distance), throughout, all along, the whole time, all the waynew54461
- すっとstraight, quickly, directly, all of a suddennew54460
- 少しも〜ないすこしも〜ないnot even a little ~new54459
- 徐々にじょじょにgradually, steadilynew54458
- じっくりcarefully, without rushingnew54457
- 次第にしだいにgraduallynew54456
- 至急しきゅうimmediatelynew54455
- さらにagain, furthermorenew54454
- ざっとroughly, brieflynew54453
- 早速さっそくat once, immediatelynew54452
- さっさとimmediately, without delaynew54451
- さすが(に)as one would expect, befittingnew54450
- こっそりquietly, discreetlynew54449
- くれぐれもsincerely, earnestlynew54448
- ぐっとat once, suddenly, with a jerknew54447
- ぎっしりtightly (packed), densely, closely, crammednew54446
- 必ずしもかならずしもnot necessarily 〜new54445
- 勝手にかってにat one's own discretionnew54444
- 思い切っておもいきってresolutely, boldlynew54443
- 思いがけずおもいがけずunexpectedlynew54442
- 思い(っ)きりおもい(っ)きりto the best of one's abilitynew54441
- 大いにおおいにgreatlynew54440
- およそroughly, approximatelynew54439
- うんと1. a great deal 2. a great deal of effortnew54438
- うんざりbe fed up withnew54437
- 今までいままでso farnew54436
- 今にもいまにも~ even nownew54435
- 今にいまにeven now, before longnew54434
- 今でもいまでもstillnew54433
- 未だにいまだにeven now, until this daynew54432
- 今更いまさらnow (after such a long time), at this moment (why not sooner)new54431
- いつまでもfor a long timenew54430
- いつの間に(か)いつのまに(か)before one knows itnew54429
- いったん1. once 2. for a momentnew54428
- 一層いっそうstill more, all the morenew54427
- いっそwould rathernew54426
- 一斉にいっせいにall togethernew54425
- 一向に〜ないいっこうに〜ないnot at all ~, not ~ in the leastnew54424
- 一段といちだんとeven morenew54423
- 一応いちおうmore or less, pretty muchnew54422
- いずれsomeday, sooner or laternew54421
- あっという間にあっというまにin a flashnew54420
- 相変わらずあいかわらずas usual, same as alwaysnew54419