JLPT N2 Vocabulary (Nouns)
English Public
This list contains vocabulary of Japanese nouns that may appear in JLPT N2. The vocabulary list was taken from a book of JLPT N2 test questions.
by raieru
Vocabulary List
- レバーlevernew54613
- リズムrythmnew54612
- リストラrestructuring, downsizingnew54611
- 余裕よゆうsurplus, margin, (extra) room, luxurynew54610
- 要領ようりょうknack, hang (of something)new54609
- 様子ようすstate, state of affairs, situationnew54608
- やり取りやりとりexchange, giving and takingnew54607
- やりがいworth doingnew54606
- 目的もくてきgoal, aimnew54605
- 目印めじるしsign, landmarknew54604
- ムードmoodnew54603
- 道順みちじゅんroutenew54602
- 眉毛まゆげeyebrownew54601
- 真似まねmimic, copy, imitatenew54600
- マスコミmass communication, medianew54599
- ほくろmolenew54598
- 振り込みふりこみbank transfernew54597
- フォームformnew54596
- びりthe bottomnew54595
- ひらflyernew54594
- ひだfoldnew54593
- ひびcrack, fissurenew54592
- 引き出しひきだしwithdrawalnew54591
- 能のうabilitynew54590
- 年代ねんだいYYYYs (e.g 1900s)new54589
- 年月ねんげつyear and month (of something)new54588
- 年度ねんどyear (of something)new54587
- 年間ねんかんperiod of one yearnew54586
- 値引きねびきdiscountnew54584
- 値打ちねうちvaluenew54583
- ニュアンスnuancenew54582
- にきびpimplenew54581
- 納得なっとく1. consent, assent, agreement 2. understanding, comprehension, graspnew54580
- トラブルtroublenew54579
- 特急とっきゅうlimited express, special expressnew54578
- テンポtemponew54577
- 手配てはいarrangementnew54576
- 手入れていれrepairs, maintenancenew54575
- 手当ててあてpay, allowancenew54574
- 手数てすうtroublenew54573
- つや1. luster, 2. color, 3. youthfulnessnew54572
- つもりintentionnew54571
- 罪つみsin, crimenew54570
- チェンジchangenew54569
- 立て替えたてかえpayment on someone's behalfnew54568
- 丈たけheight, lengthnew54567
- ダウンdownnew54566
- タイミングtimingnew54565
- 〜代〜だい〜fee, bill, expensesnew54564
- 損そんlossnew54563
- ずれgap, slippagenew54562
- ストレスstressnew54561
- すそhemnew54560
- スイッチswitchnew54559
- 図ずdiagram, figurenew54558
- しわwrinklenew54557
- 印しるしstamp, seal, marknew54556
- ショックshocknew54555
- 食糧しょくりょうprovisions, foodnew54554
- 食欲しょくよくappetitenew54553
- 重体じゅうたいserious condition, seriously illnew54552
- ジャンルgenrenew54551
- 染みしみspot, blemishnew54550
- 支払いしはらいpaymentnew54549
- 実習じっしゅうpractical trainingnew54548
- 実際(に)じっさい(に)actual(ly)new54547
- 実行じっこうpractice, actionnew54546
- 実現じつげんimplementation, realizationnew54545
- 質しつqualitynew54544
- 下取りしたどりtrade-innew54543
- サイズsizenew54542
- コントロールcontrolnew54541
- コンセントelectrical outletnew54540
- コメントcommentnew54539
- こだわり1. fixation 2. specializationnew54538
- 現状げんじょうexisting situationnew54537
- 現象げんしょうphenomenonnew54536
- 現実げんじつrealitynew54535
- 現在げんざいpresent (time)new54534
- クレームcomplaint, claimnew54533
- 口コミくちこみword of mouthnew54532
- 強化きょうかstrengthen, fortifynew54531
- 休息きゅうそくrestnew54530
- 休憩きゅうけいbreaknew54529
- 休養きゅうようrestnew54528
- 休暇きゅうかvacationnew54527
- キャンセルcancelnew54526
- キャッチcatchnew54525
- 形かたちshape, formnew54524
- 貸し出しかしだしloan, lendingnew54523
- かかとheel (of foot)new54522
- 害がいharmnew54521
- おでこforeheadnew54520
- 大勢おおぜいmany peoplenew54519
- 運うんlucknew54517
- 受け取りうけとりreceive, acceptancenew54516
- インフレinflationnew54515
- イメージimage, picturenew54514
- いじめbullying, teasingnew54513
- 行き帰りいきかえりgoing and returningnew54512
- 生きがいいきがいmotivation in lifenew54511
- アンケートquestionnaire, surveynew54510
- 案あんsuggestion, proposal, plannew54509
- アレルギーallergynew54508
- あとtrack, marknew54507
- あてaddressed tonew54506
- あざbruisenew54505
- 憧れあこがれadoration, aspirationnew54504
- あごchinnew54503
- 悪あくevilnew54502
- 合図あいずsignalnew54501