New words
English Public
by Yucca
Vocabulary List
- 石鹸せっけんsoapnew27145
- 浴槽よくそうbathtubnew27144
- 自動販売機じどうはんばいきvending machinenew27143
- 厳しいきびしいstern, strict, severenew27140
- 胸むねchestnew27139
- 大きすぎるおおきすぎるtoo bignew27138
- 邪魔じゃまobstructive, intrusion, hindrancenew27022
- 寮りょうhostel, dormitory, bureau (government department beneathnew26616
- 田舎いなかrural area, countryside, the sticks, hometownnew26611
- 復習ふくしゅうreview, revisionnew26610
- 洗濯物せんたくものclothes to be washed, the washingnew26609
- 住所じゅうしょaddress (e.g. of house), residence, domicilenew26608
- 東北とうほくnorth-eastnew26604
- お湯おゆhot water, bathnew26602
- 準備じゅんびpreparation, setup, arrangements, provision, reservenew26601
- 車内しゃないinside a carriage (внутри повозки)new26599