English Public
Mathematical terms taken from lingualift and selftaughtjapanese.
by hayared
Vocabulary List
- 微分積分学びぶんせきぶんがくcalculus (both differential and integral)new55366
- 数字すうじnumeral; figure; numeric characternew55365
- 線型代数学せんけいだいすうがくlinear algebranew55360
- 離散数学りさんすうがくdiscrete mathematicsnew55359
- 統計とうけいstatisticsnew55358
- 三角法さんかくほうtrigonometrynew55357
- 幾何学きかがくgeometrynew55356
- 変分学へんぶんがくcalculus of variationsnew55355
- 代数学だいすうがくalgebranew55354
- 積分学せきぶんがくintegral calculusnew55353
- 微分学びぶんがくdifferential calculusnew55352
- 円周率えんしゅうりつPi (3.1415926...)new55284
- 等しいひとしいequal; similar; like; equivalentnew55283
- イコールいこーるequal; (Mathematical term) the equality sign (=); (Colloquialism) equals (e.g. AイコールB; A equals B)new55280
- 少ないすくないfew; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom; less than (e.g. 10より少ない; less than 10)new55279
- 多いおおいmany; numerous; greater than (e.g. 10より多い; greater than 10)new55278
- 正の数せいのすうpositive number; positive valuenew55276
- 負の数ふのすうnegative number; negative valuenew55275
- 自然数しぜんすうnatural number; non-negative integernew55274
- 虚数きょすうcomplex number; imaginary part; imaginary numbernew55273
- 実数じっすうreal numbernew55269
- 整数せいすうinteger; whole numbernew55268
- 素数そすうprime number; prime numbersnew55266
- 速さはやさspeed; velocity; quickness; rapiditynew55265
- 重さおもさweightnew55264
- 長さながさlengthnew55263
- 度どdegree (angle, temperature, scale, etc.)new55262
- 角度かくどanglenew55261
- 面積めんせきareanew55260
- 体積たいせきcapacity; volumenew55259
- 量りょうquantity; amountnew55258
- A対BAたいBA:B (ratio of A to B)new55256
- 比ひratio; proportionnew55255
- 有理数ゆうりすうrational numbernew55254
- 無理数むりすうirrational numbernew55252
- 非数ひすうnot a number (NAN)new55251
- 奇数きすうodd numbernew55250
- 偶数ぐうすうeven numbernew55249
- 指数しすうindex; index number; exponent (e.g. in floating-point representation); characteristicnew55248
- 倍数ばいすうmultiplenew55247
- 約数やくすうdivisor; factor; measurenew55246
- 分数ぶんすうfractionnew55245
- 少数しょうすうfraction (part of); decimal fractionnew55243
- 割り算わりざんdivisionnew55241
- 掛け算かけざんmultiplicationnew55239
- 引き算ひきざんsubtractionnew55237
- 足し算たしざんadditionnew55236
- 桁けたdigit; decade; order of magnitudenew55235
- 算数さんすうarithmeticnew55234
- 数学的すうがくてきmathematicalnew52721
- 数学すうがくmathematicsnew52720
- 分ぶんindicates a fraction (e.g. 1/2 is 二分の一)new52719
- 割るわるdivide (e.g. 10割る5は2)new52718
- 掛けるかけるmultiply, times (e.g. 3に5を掛けると、15)new52717
- マイナスminus (e.g. 4マイナス–7は–3)new52716
- プラスplus (e.g. 1プラス1は2)new52715
- 引くひくminus (e.g. 4から–7を引くと、–3)new52714
- 足すたすplus (e.g. 1足す1は2)new52713
- 点てんpoint (decimal)new52712