List of unique online Japanese dictionaries
Here is a list all the unique Japanese dictionaries I can think of that are searchable online. When I say "unique", I mean not just hundreds of EDICT clones ( which all give the same answers but rather dictionaries that make use of different sources. For example: 大辞林 (Daijirin) is an actual physical dictionary used in Japan and it can be searched online using (among other sites like,,, etc.)
I've wanted to put this list up for a while, somewhere easy to find. I've had to put the list in the first comment so as not to take up too much Social Feed space (which I've ended up wasting by rambling instead anyway)...
If anyone knows any others (unique ones only), please add them. ^^
I've wanted to put this list up for a while, somewhere easy to find. I've had to put the list in the first comment so as not to take up too much Social Feed space (which I've ended up wasting by rambling instead anyway)...
If anyone knows any others (unique ones only), please add them. ^^
posted by mog86uk