Ukaishi's Notes
Notes Created 8
- 100Weather by Ukaishi
- 100Days of the Month by Ukaishi
- 100Lolita by Ukaishi
- 100Silent night, Holy night by Ukaishi
- 100Days of the Week by Ukaishi
- 100Seasons by Ukaishi
- 100Colors by Ukaishi
- 100Animal sounds by Ukaishi
Notes Reviewed 101
- 100new by hongis
- 100Time by Alespino
- 100Place by Alespino
- 100Food by Alespino
- 100Adjective by Alespino
- 100Noun by Alespino
- 100difficult phrases and words by delphist2008
- 100eki . by laurena_amaya
- 100bugs by laurena_amaya
- 100Kanji that looks alike by Drizzits
- 100Vocab by buatmain65
- 100上杉謙信の本 by slmpika
- 100Types of Trees by Ahawkshadow
- 100Words from Kingdom Hearts by MagegirlNino
- 100"Tales of" games vocab by diarahan
- 100Family by Twoai
- 100Outer Space by Twoai
- 100noto by KairiSuzuki
- 100Otaku World by silverdew
- 100体・薬 by zdravstvuyte
- 100Things in School by xenogan
- 99Grade 1 kanji - Words & Combos by StonerPenguin
- 100Core 3/6 Step 4/10 V2301-2400 by StonerPenguin
- 100Core 3/6 Step 5/10 V2401-2500 by StonerPenguin
- 100Core 3/6 Step 6/10 V2501-2600 by StonerPenguin
- 100JLPT-2 の-Adjectives by spanz
- 100Nouns - Time & Space by spanz
- 100Japanese website registration by StonerPenguin
- 100UJ (B-I) Lesson 1 Vocab by StonerPenguin
- 100『心霊探偵八雲 赤い瞳は知っている』から言葉 by StonerPenguin
- 100擬音語と擬態語 - Onomatopoeias by MagegirlNino
- 100Nouns - Man made objects by spanz
- 100Ateji by spanz
- 100漫画から知らない言葉 (パンドラハーツ) by StonerPenguin
- 100JLPT 5 kanji by StonerPenguin
- 100Kanji de Manga Volume 5 pt. 1 by Cutiefox
- 100Body Parts in Japanese by MagegirlNino
- 100Japanese Air Conditioner by beeant
- 100Core 1/6 Step 1/10 V0001-0100 by StonerPenguin
- 100RPG Terminology by Trancell
- 100japanese idioms by Agapyonok
- 100Grade 1 kanji (Single kanji) by StonerPenguin
- 100蜘蛛の糸 by a_muses
- 100Sewing Terms by Cutiefox
- 100AnnoyingVocabulary (Positions) by PuchiFerret
- 100words by bluwy
- 100words 2 by bluwy
- 100words 3 by bluwy
- 100words 4 by bluwy
- 100Words from all over the Place by MagegirlNino
- 100Blood of Bahamut by slmpika
- 100Commonly used Adverbs by Medyrius
- 100Words that I have trouble with by Ronin
- 100Words Fro My Host Father by alias5594
- 100School Subjects by Olegacheat
- 100JLPT-2 pn-Adjectives by spanz
- 100Nouns - Language by spanz
- 100Adjectives by spanz
- 100Verbs - Activities by spanz
- 100Nouns - Directions & Positions by spanz
- 100Nouns - Materials by spanz
- 100Nouns - Crops by spanz
- 100Body by beeant
- 100Nouns - Family by spanz
- 100Nouns - Animals by spanz
- 100Words I messed up on by Ryumatori
- 100的、化、性、力、同 by beeant
- 100Random by Riun
- 100my Vocabulary by Razgriz
- 100New vocabulary by WhiteTiger
- 100Common non-jouyou kanji by usageunit
- 100Body Parts 2 (Upper Body) by Medyrius
- 100Body Parts 3 (Lower Body) by Medyrius
- 100Feeling bad by Medyrius
- 100Field of Study by beeant
- 100Verbs - Actions by spanz
- 100Bikkuri Adverbs by MagegirlNino
- 100Vocabulary from 坊っちゃん by a_muses
- 100Transitional Words by beeant
- 100Nouns - Society by spanz
- 100Nouns - Weights & Measures by spanz
- 100Computer Related by beeant
- 100People by beeant
- 100Religions by beeant
- 100Verbs - Work by spanz
- 100Verbs - Emotions by spanz
- 100Must learn by Kuroreru
- 100Terms to remember by strawberrymint
- 100Genki 2 Ch18 by AuroraDreamer
- 100Words straight from my head by Ryumatori
- 100Verbs - Sensations by spanz
- 100Colors by beeant
- 100Animals by beeant
- 100anime terms by bombastical
- 100これはすごすぎる by Onizuka
- 100Verbs - Movement by spanz
- 100Seasons by beeant
- 100Verbs - Speech by spanz
- 100Japanese Verbs by beeant
- 100Words by sprinkles
- 100Verbs - Existence by spanz