Intermediate 1
English Public
by mcosme00
Vocabulary List
- 独立心どくりつしんdesire to be independentnew30434
- 電源でんげんsource of electricitynew30431
- 不真面目ふまじめunsteadiness, lack of sinceritynew30428
- 気が利くきがきくto be sensible, to be thoughtful, to be tactfulnew30422
- 嘘つきうそつきliarnew30418
- 食器しょっきTablewarenew30399
- 言葉言葉Word, languagenew30397
- 庭にわGardennew30396
- 壁かべWallnew30395
- 未来みらいFuture (distant)new30382
- 将来しょうらいFuture (near), prospectsnew30381
- 文化ぶんかCulturenew30380
- 係りかかりPerson in chargenew30360
- 政治せいじPoliticsnew30356
- 熱いあついHotnew30352
- 安全あんぜんSecurity, safetynew30338
- 全部ぜんぶAll, entire, wholenew30337
- 入学式にゅうがくしきSchool entrance ceremonynew30336
- 相手あいてCompanion, partnernew30335
- 新婚旅行しんこんりょこうHoneymoonnew30331
- 失業しつぎょうUnemploymentnew30329
- 失礼しますしつれいしますExcuse menew30328
- 礼れいThankingnew30327
- 試合しあいMatch, gamenew30324
- 趣味しゅみHobbynew30317
- 意味いみMeaningnew30316
- 味あじFlavornew30315
- 意見いけんOpinionnew30314
- 安心あんしんRelief, peace of mindnew30308
- 広告こうこくAdvertisementnew30307
- 形かたちForm, shapenew30297
- 洗濯せんたくLaundrynew30296
- 給料きゅうりょうSalarynew30294
- 茶道さどうTea ceremonynew30290
- 日米にちべいJapan-Americanew30287
- 中南米ちゅうなんべいCentral and South Americanew30286
- 米国べいこくAmericanew30285
- 小鳥ことりLittle birdnew30282
- 金魚きんぎょGolden fishnew30281
- 写真しゃしんPhotographnew30280
- 映画えいがMovienew30278
- 計画けいかくPlan, projectnew30277
- 画家がかPainter, artistnew30276
- 絵本えほんPicture booknew30275
- 絵えPicture, drawingnew30274
- 作曲さっきょくCompositionnew30273
- 曲きょくTune, piece of musicnew30272
- 発音はつおんPronuntiationnew30271
- 視力しりょくeyesightnew30061
- 港みなとport, harbor, harbour (UK)new30024
- 税金ぜいきんtaxnew30021
- 通信つうしんcommunication, signal, transmissionnew30019
- 関心かんしんconcern, interestnew30016
- 幽霊ゆうれいghostnew30005