English Public
by Desasterific
Vocabulary List
- 思し, もthink, consider, regard as, anticipate, imaginenew29575
- 様さま, ざま, ようsituation, condition, Mr., Mrs., way, mannernew29574
- 号ごうnumber, item, title, call, assume the name ofnew29573
- 番つがい, ばんwatch, guard, number, ordernew29572
- 村むら, そんvillage, hamletnew29571
- 町ちょう, まちtown, quarters, street, blocknew29570
- 区くward, district, sectionnew29569
- 市いち, しmarket, fair, city, townnew29568
- 県あがた, けんprefecturenew29567
- 都と, みやこcapital, metropolisnew29566
- 内うち, ないinside, interior, within, betweennew29565
- 主あるじ, おも, しゅ, しゅう, しゅじん, す, にし, ぬし, のしowner, master, main, principal, main thing, Load, employernew29564
- 親おや, しんparent, intimate, be intimate with, intimacy, parents, relativenew29563
- 両りょうold Japanese coin, both, twonew29562
- 近ちか, きんearly, near, akin to, friendlynew29561
- 住じゅう, すlive, reside, inhabitnew29560
- 所しょ, とこ, ところplace, locality, partnew29559
- 族ぞく, やからfamily, relatives, tribenew29558
- 家いえ, うち, か, け, ち, や, んちhouse, home, family, shop, person, professionnew29557
- 社しゃ, やしろShinto shrine, association, companynew29556
- 聞ぶん, もん, きhear, learn of, inquire, follow advicenew29555
- 書しょ, かwrite, handwriting, letter, note, booknew29554
- 読とう, どう, とく, よread, understand, guessnew29553
- 話はなし, わ, はなtalk, chat, conversationnew29552
- 言げん, こと, いsay, declare, call, word , word, phrase, speech, statementnew29551
- 作さく, さ, つくmake, build, cultivate, establish, a work, a production, tillage, harvestnew29550
- 文あや, ふみ, ぶん, もんletter, note, literary text, sentence, artnew29549
- 漢おとこ, から, か, はんChinanew29548
- 字あざ, あざな, じsection of a village, character, letter, wordnew29547
- 名な, めいname, fame, reputation, distinguished, noted, wisenew29546
- 旅たび, りょうjourney, go aroundnew29545
- 海うみ, み, わた, わだ, かいsea, oceannew29544
- 田た, でんrice field, paddy fieldnew29543
- 川かわ, がわ, せんriver, stream, brooknew29542
- 山さん, やまmountain, hill, climaxnew29541
- 休やす, きゅうrest, take a day off, be absent, sleep, feel at ease, let idlenew29540
- 雨う, あめrain, rainfallnew29539
- 天あま, あめ, てんsky, air, heavens, celestial spherenew29538
- 気き, ぎ, け, げspirit, intention, bent, mood, temper, airnew29537
- 子こ, し, す, ね, みchild, offspring, the (young of animals), seednew29536
- 女おんな, じょwoman, fenale, sweetheart, girl, female, daughternew29535
- 男おとこ, だんman, male, baron, counter for sonsnew29534
- 妹いもうと, まいyounger sisternew29533
- 姉あね, し, ねえelder sisternew29532
- 弟おと, おとうと, おとと, てい, だいyounger brother, pupilnew29531
- 兄あに, けい, にい, きょうelder brother, seniornew29529
- 母かか, はは, ぼ, ば, ばあmother, causenew29528
- 父ちち, とうfathernew29527