English Public
by spanz
Vocabulary List
- 掃くはくsweep / brush [verb]new5685
- そば屋そばやsoba restaurant [noun]new5684
- 外側そとがわexterior / outside [noun]new5682
- セロテープセロテープcellophane tape / Scotch tape / Sellotape [noun]new5680
- シャープペンシルシャープペンシルmechanical pencil [noun]new5678
- 七しちseven [noun]new5676
- 塩辛いしおからいsalty [adjective]new5674
- 字じcharacter / letter [noun]new5672
- エアメールエアメールairmail [noun]new5670
- ウィスキーウィスキーwhisky [noun]new5668
- いつごろいつごろabout when / about what time [noun]new5666
- アイスアイスpopsicle / ice lolly [noun]new5664
- レインコートレインコートraincoat [noun]new5662
- 横書きよこがきhorizontal writing [noun]new5660
- ぺらぺらぺらぺらfluently [na-adj.]new5658
- ぺこぺこぺこぺこhungry / starving [adjective]new5656
- 不親切ふしんせつunkind / inattentive [na-adj.]new5654
- 深さふかさdepth / profundity [noun]new5652
- ピンポンピンポンtable tennis / ping pong [suru-verb]new5650
- 昼間ひるまdaytime / day [noun]new5648
- 葉書はがきpostcard [noun]new5645
- そっちそっちthere / thou [noun]new5643
- すき焼きすきやきsukiyaki [noun]new5641
- 祝日しゅくじつholiday / festival day [noun]new5639
- 寒ささむさcoldness / cold [noun]new5637
- 怪我けがinjury [suru-verb]new5635
- 九くnine [noun]new5633
- ぎらぎらぎらぎらdazzling / glaring / blinding [adverb]new5631
- 缶詰かんづめcanned goods / cooping-up [noun]new5629
- がらがらがらがらempty [adjective]new5627
- 書留かきとめregistered mail [noun]new5625
- 換えるかえるexchange / convert [verb]new5623
- 一昨日おとといday before yesterday [noun]new5621
- 暖めるあたためるwarm / warm up / heat up [verb]new5619
- 絵葉書えはがきpicture postcard [noun]new5617
- 幾らいくらhow much [noun]new5615
- 明後日あさってday after tomorrow [noun]new5613
- 沸かすわかすboil / excite [verb]new5611
- よろしくよろしくproperly / one's regards [adverb]new5609
- 止むやむstop / abate [verb]new5607
- 本箱ほんばこbookcase [noun]new5605
- 褒めるほめるpraise / commend [verb]new5603
- 二人ふたりtwo persons [noun]new5601
- 豚ぶたpig / pork [noun]new5599
- 暇ひまfree time / spare time [noun]new5597
- 歯ブラシはぶらしtoothbrush [noun]new5595
- ノックノックknock [suru-verb]new5593
- 西にしwest / western [noun]new5591
- 無くなるなくなるdisappear / run short / get lost [verb]new5589
- 止まるとまるcome to a stop / cease [verb]new5587
- ティッシュティッシュtissue [noun]new5585
- 包むつつむwrap / pack [verb]new5583
- チョークチョークchalk [noun]new5581
- 段々だんだんgradually / one after another [adverb]new5579
- 足し算たしざんaddition [suru-verb]new5577
- 洗面所せんめんじょwashroom / bathroom [noun]new5575
- 刺身さしみsashimi / sliced raw meat [noun]new5573
- 気を付けるきをつけるtake care of / pay attention to [verb]new5571
- 持って来るもってくるbring [verb]new5569
- レシートレシートreceipt [noun]new5567
- ランチランチlunch [noun]new5565
- こぼすこぼすspill [verb]new5563
- 予習よしゅうpreparation / previewing (a lesson) [suru-verb]new5561
- 目覚まし時計めざましどけいalarm clock [noun]new5559
- ふらふらふらふらweak [adverb]new5557
- 昼前ひるまえin the morning / before noon [noun]new5555
- 引き算ひきざんsubtraction [suru-verb]new5553
- 歯はtooth / cog [noun]new5551
- 速達そくたつspecial delivery / express mail [noun]new5549
- 誘うさそうinvite / ask out [verb]new5547
- 黄色きいろyellow [noun]new5545
- からからからからthirsty / dry [adjective]new5543
- お巡りさんおまわりさんpoliceman [noun]new5541
- 売り切れうりきれsellout / sold out [noun]new5539
- 飴あめcandy / sweets [noun]new5537
- あくびあくびyawn [suru-verb]new5535
- アクセサリーアクセサリーaccessories / jewelry [noun]new5533
- 桃ももpeach / peach tree [noun]new5531
- マフラーマフラーscarf / muffler [noun]new5529
- まあまあまあまあOK / not bad / average [adjective]new5527
- 東ひがしeast / eastern [noun]new5525
- 二十歳はたち20 years old [noun]new5523
- 納豆なっとうnatto (fermented soybeans) [noun]new5521
- 無くすなくすlose / get rid of [verb]new5519
- どきどきどきどきfeel excited / feel nervous [adverb]new5517
- 突き当たりつきあたりend of a street [noun]new5515
- 自習じしゅうself-study / self-teaching [suru-verb]new5513
- 臭いくさいill-smelling / stinking [adjective]new5511
- 掛け算かけざんmultiplication [suru-verb]new5509
- あちらあちらway over there [noun]new5507
- 忘れ物わすれものsomething left behind / lost item [noun]new5505
- 酔っ払うよっぱらうget drunk [verb]new5503
- 汚すよごすmake dirty / soil [verb]new5501
- 真っ青まっさおdeep-blue / pale (skin) [na-adj.]new5499
- ピクニックピクニックpicnic [noun]new5497
- 畑はたけfield / vegetable garden [noun]new5495
- 鋏はさみscissors / pincers / tongs [noun]new5493
- 寝坊ねぼうlate riser / oversleeping [suru-verb]new5491
- 二階にかいsecond floor / upstairs [noun]new5489
- 怠けるなまけるbe lazy / neglect [verb]new5487
- 鍋なべpan / saucepan [noun]new5485
- 中なかinside / middle [noun]new5483
- たくさんたくさんin large quantity / plenty [adverb]new5481
- スケートスケートskate / skates [noun]new5479
- 主人しゅじんmaster / husband [noun]new5477
- 消しゴムけしごむeraser [noun]new5475
- カップカップcup [noun]new5473
- 片付くかたづくbe put in order / be settled [verb]new5471
- 送り仮名おくりがなkana suffix [noun]new5469
- 明日あしたtomorrow [noun]new5467
- 両替りょうがえmoney changing / exchange of money [suru-verb]new5465
- ラッシュアワーラッシュアワーrush hour [noun]new5463
- よろしいよろしいall right [adjective]new5461
- 訳すやくすtranslate [verb]new5459
- 免許証めんきょしょうlicense [noun]new5457
- 文房具ぶんぼうぐstationery / writing materials [noun]new5455
- 美容院びよういんbeauty shop [noun]new5453
- 日陰ひかげthe shade [noun]new5451
- 番地ばんちlot number / address [noun]new5449
- 万歳ばんざいBanzai! Hurrah! Long live...! [suru-verb]new5447
- トランプトランプ(a pack of) cards / (playing) cards [suru-verb]new5445
- 畳むたたむfold / shut [verb]new5443
- 大嫌いだいきらいhate [na-adj.]new5441
- スリッパスリッパslippers [noun]new5439
- ジャムジャムjam [noun]new5437
- 航空便こうくうびんairmail [noun]new5435
- ぐらぐらぐらぐらwobble [adverb]new5433
- 休校きゅうこうtemporary closure of school [suru-verb]new5431
- 乾かすかわかすdry [verb]new5429
- かゆいかゆいitchy [adjective]new5427
- カセットテープカセットテープcassette tape [noun]new5425
- ガールフレンドガールフレンドgirlfriend [noun]new5423
- お宅おたくyour home / you / fan / geek [noun]new5421
- お辞儀おじぎbow [suru-verb]new5419
- 横断歩道おうだんほどうpedestrian crossing / crosswalk [noun]new5417
- イヤリングイヤリングearrings [noun]new5415
- 例れいexample / precedent [noun]new5413
- 酔っ払いよっぱらいdrunkard / boozer [noun]new5411
- 夕飯ゆうはんevening meal / supper [noun]new5409
- 持って行くもっていくtake [verb]new5407
- 冬休みふゆやすみwinter vacation [noun]new5405
- 早起きはやおきearly rising [suru-verb]new5403
- 歯磨きはみがきtoothpaste / brushing one's teeth [noun]new5401
- 歯医者はいしゃdentist [noun]new5399
- 床屋とこやbarber / barbershop [noun]new5397
- 停留所ていりゅうじょstop / station [noun]new5395
- 塩しおsalt [noun]new5393
- 魚さかなfish [noun]new5391
- 曇りくもりcloudiness / cloudy weather [noun]new5389
- キャッシュカードキャッシュカードcash card [noun]new5387
- カレーライスカレーライスcurried rice [noun]new5385
- 苺いちごstrawberry [noun]new5383
- アイロンアイロンiron [noun]new5381
- ローマ字ろーまじRoman alphabet [noun]new5379
- 例文れいぶんillustrative sentence / example [noun]new5377
- 床ゆかfloor [noun]new5375
- ボーイフレンドボーイフレンドboyfriend [noun]new5373
- ハムハムham [noun]new5371
- バス停ばすていbus stop [noun]new5369
- 灰皿はいざらashtray [noun]new5367
- ハイキングハイキングhiking [suru-verb]new5365
- 乗り換えのりかえchange / transfer [suru-verb]new5363
- どなたどなたwho [noun]new5361
- トイレットペーパートイレットペーパーtoilet paper [noun]new5359
- コーラコーラcola / coke [noun]new5357
- ウールウールwool [noun]new5355
- 下るくだるgo down / go down or away from a central place [verb]new5353
- 名字みょうじsurname / family name [noun]new5351
- 馬鹿ばかfool / nonsense [na-adj.]new5349
- にこにこにこにこsmile [adverb]new5347
- 定期券ていきけんcommuter's pass [noun]new5345
- 突き当たるつきあたるhit against / come to the end of [verb]new5343
- 四角いしかくいsquare / four-sided [adjective]new5341
- 四角しかくsquare / quadrilateral [na-adj.]new5339
- サンドイッチサンドイッチsandwich [noun]new5337
- 掛かるかかるhang / splash / require [verb]new5335
- 降ろすおろすunload / set down [verb]new5333
- 色々いろいろin various ways [na-adj.]new5331
- 入り口いりぐちentrance [noun]new5329
- 嫌いやdislike / have a dislike for [na-adj.]new5327
- 読み方よみかたway of reading / reading [noun]new5325
- 味噌汁みそしるmiso soup [noun]new5323
- 欲しがるほしがるdesire / wish for / covet [verb]new5321
- 晴れはれfine weather / clear sky [noun]new5319
- バスケットボールバスケットボールbasketball [noun]new5317
- 糊のりglue / starch [noun]new5315
- どっちどっちwhich [noun]new5313
- 特急とっきゅうsuper-express [noun]new5311
- 大抵たいていgenerally / mostly [adverb]new5309
- そばそばbuckwheat noodles / soba [noun]new5307
- そちらそちらthere / that way [noun]new5305
- すいかすいかwatermelon [noun]new5303
- 覚ますさますawaken / wake up [verb]new5301
- 柔らかやわらかsoft / tender / gentle [na-adj.]new5299
- 万年筆まんねんひつfountain pen [noun]new5297
- ボールペンボールペンballpoint pen [noun]new5295
- パジャマパジャマpajamas [noun]new5293
- ネックレスネックレスnecklace [noun]new5291
- 入場券にゅうじょうけんentrance ticket [noun]new5289
- 図書室としょしつlibrary [noun]new5287