Core 6000 - 1 - 2001-2100
English Public
Core 6000 - vocabulary words 2001-6000 - leaving off where Spanz (small notes and big note) and StonerPenguin (core 1 and 2 sets) left off with core 2000 - When I am done there will be 40 notes of 100 words each - 4000 words total
by adkdcmorgan
Vocabulary List
- 神かみ[noun] godnew33929
- コンサートこんさーと[noun] concertnew33928
- 煮るにる[verb] simmer, cooknew33927
- 輸入ゆにゅう[verbal noun] importnew33926
- 党とう[noun] political partynew33925
- 人口じんこう[noun] populationnew33924
- 施設しせつ[noun] facilities, institutionnew33922
- 技術ぎじゅつ[noun] skill, technologynew33921
- 工場こうじょう[noun] factory, plantnew33920
- 経済けいざい[noun] economy, economicsnew33919
- 行うおこなう[verb] do, carry outnew33918
- 段階だんかい[noun] stagenew33917
- 設計せっけい[verbal noun] design, plannew33916
- 強化きょうか[verbal noun] strengtheningnew33915
- 加えるくわえる[verb] add (things of the same or different kinds)new33914
- 株かぶ[noun] stock, sharenew33913
- 制度せいど[noun] systemnew33912
- 強調きょうちょう[verbal noun] emphasis, stressnew33911
- 特徴とくちょう[noun] distinctive feature, characteristicnew33910
- 増加ぞうか[verbal noun] increase, risenew33909
- 管理かんり[verbal noun] management, administrationnew33908
- 生産せいさん[verbal noun] productionnew33907
- 作業さぎょう[verbal noun] work, operationnew33906
- 全国ぜんこく[noun] the whole countrynew33905
- 解決かいけつ[verbal noun] solution, settlementnew33904
- 処理しょり[verbal noun] handling, processingnew33874
- 採用さいよう[verbal noun] employment, adoptionnew33873
- 伴うともなう[verb] accompany, entailnew33872
- 発言はつげん[verbal noun] utterance, remarknew33871
- 出席しゅっせき[verbal noun] attendance, presencenew33870
- 住民じゅうみん[noun] residentnew33869
- 選挙せんきょ[verbal noun] electionnew33868
- 船便ふなびん[noun] surface mail, shipping servicenew33867
- 商業しょうぎょう[noun] commerce, tradenew33866
- 輸出ゆしゅつ[verbal noun] exportnew33865
- 貿易ぼうえき[verbal noun] (export and import) tradenew33864
- 要求ようきゅう[verbal noun] need, demandnew33863
- 同様どうよう[adjectival noun] similar, the same asnew33862
- 程度ていど[noun] degree, extentnew33861
- 逮捕たいほ[verbal noun] arrest, capturenew33860
- 組織そしき[verbal noun] organization, structurenew33842
- 実行じっこう[verbal noun] practice, executionnew33840
- 事情じじょう[noun] circumstances, conditionsnew33839
- 産業さんぎょう[noun] industrynew33838
- 契約けいやく[verbal noun] contract, agreementnew33837
- 傾向けいこう[noun] tendency, dispositionnew33836
- 基準きじゅん[noun] standard, criterionnew33835
- 記者きしゃ[noun] journalist, reporternew33834
- 一定いってい[noun] fixed, certainnew33833
- 設けるもうける[verb] set up, establishnew33832
- 取引とりひき[verbal noun] transaction, dealnew33831
- シャープペンシルしゃーぷぺんしる[noun] mechanical pencilnew33830
- ウィスキーうぃすきー[noun] whiskynew33829
- 深さふかさ[noun] depth, profunditynew33828
- 書留かきとめ[noun] registered mailnew33827
- 予習よしゅう[verbal noun] preparation, previewing (a lesson)new33826
- 速達そくたつ[noun] special delivery, express mailnew33824
- ラッシュアワーらっしゅあわー[noun] rush hournew33823
- アイロンあいろん[noun] ironnew33822
- 農業のうぎょう[noun] agriculturenew33821
- ハンドバッグはんどばっぐ[noun] handbagnew33820
- 消防車しょうぼうしゃ[noun] fire enginenew33819
- ナイロンないろん[noun] nylonnew33818
- 四季しき[noun] the four seasonsnew33817
- エアメールえあめーる[noun] airmailnew33816
- 幼稚園ようちえん[noun] kindergartennew33815
- 植えるうえる[verb] plantnew33814
- 踊りおどり[noun] dance, dancingnew33813
- テントてんと[noun] tentnew33812
- 退院たいいん[verbal noun] discharge from hospitalnew33811
- 進学しんがく[verbal noun] enter schoolnew33810
- 見学けんがく[verbal noun] field tripnew33809
- 校長こうちょう[noun] principal, schoolmasternew33808
- 売り場うりば[noun] sales floor, departmentnew33807
- 糸いと[noun] thread, yarnnew33806
- 就職しゅうしょく[verbal noun] finding a job, getting a jobnew33805
- 看護婦かんごふ[noun] female nursenew33804
- 書き直すかきなおす[verb] rewritenew33803
- コメントこめんと[verbal noun] commentnew33802
- 飛び込むとびこむ[verb] dive into, jump intonew33801
- 坂さか[noun] slope, hillnew33800
- とんでもないとんでもない[adjective] unthinkable, outrageousnew33799
- すっきりすっきり[adverb] refreshednew33798
- ついでついで[noun] on the way, to take the opportunitynew33797
- さっぱりさっぱり[adverb] completely notnew33796
- 手前てまえ[noun] in frontnew33795
- 助かるたすかる[verb] be helped, be rescuednew33794
- 姉妹しまい[noun] sistersnew33793
- 悔しいくやしい[adjective] frustrating, regrettablenew33792
- 負けまけ[noun] defeat, lossnew33791
- とうとうとうとう[adverb] at last, finallynew33790
- 湖みずうみ[noun] lakenew33789
- あれこれあれこれ[noun] this and that, one thing or anothernew33788
- どうせどうせ[adverb] anywaynew33787
- 体重たいじゅう[noun] body weightnew33786
- 戻すもどす[verb] put (something) backnew33785
- 残りのこり[noun] rest, leftovernew33784
- 適当てきとう[adjectival noun] suitable, appropriatenew33783
- 雀すずめ[noun] sparrownew33782
- ご存知ごぞんじ[noun] know (honorific)new33781