Core 6000 - 3 - 2201-2300
English Public
Core 6000 - vocabulary words 2001-6000 - leaving off where Spanz (small notes and big note) and StonerPenguin (core 1 and 2 sets) left off with core 2000 - When I am done there will be 40 notes of 100 words each - 4000 words total
by adkdcmorgan
Vocabulary List
- 悩みなやみ[noun] troubles, worriesnew34535
- 本気ほんき[adjectival noun] serious, earnestnew34480
- わくわくわくわく[adverb] feel excited, be thrillednew34479
- いい加減いいかげん[adjectival noun] irresponsible, carelessnew34478
- アルコールあるこーる[noun] alcohol, alcoholic beveragenew34477
- ジャンプじゃんぷ[verbal noun] jumpnew34476
- 驚きおどろき[noun] surprise, amazementnew34475
- 情熱じょうねつ[noun] passion, enthusiasmnew34474
- 後悔こうかい[verbal noun] regretnew34473
- 地獄じごく[noun] hellnew34472
- ヒントひんと[noun] hint, cluenew34471
- 正常せいじょう[adjectival noun] normalnew34470
- 体力たいりょく[noun] physical strength, staminanew34469
- ブームぶーむ[noun] fad, boomnew34468
- 説得せっとく[verbal noun] persuasionnew34467
- 上司じょうし[noun] bossnew34466
- わざわざわざわざ[adverb] going out of one's way to do somethingnew34464
- アンケートあんけーと[noun] questionnairenew34463
- ショックしょっく[adjectival noun] shocknew34462
- 作戦さくせん[noun] tactic, strategynew34461
- 個性こせい[noun] individuality, personalitynew34460
- 赤字あかじ[noun] deficit, in the rednew34459
- 暴力ぼうりょく[noun] violencenew34458
- 犠牲ぎせい[noun] sacrifice, lossnew34457
- ベストべすと[noun] bestnew34456
- 主催しゅさい[verbal noun] sponsorship, hostnew34455
- ストレスすとれす[noun] stressnew34454
- 要望ようぼう[verbal noun] demand, requestnew34453
- 緊急きんきゅう[noun] urgent, emergencynew34452
- 減少げんしょう[verbal noun] decrease, declinenew34451
- マークまーく[verbal noun] logonew34450
- コーナーこーなー[noun] section (of a store etc.), cornernew34449
- 証拠しょうこ[noun] proof, evidencenew34448
- マスコミますこみ[noun] mass communicationnew34447
- 危機きき[noun] crisis, dangernew34446
- 支持しじ[verbal noun] supportnew34445
- 恋愛れんあい[verbal noun] romance, relationshipnew34444
- 所得しょとく[noun] income, earningsnew34443
- 内部ないぶ[noun] interior, inner partsnew34442
- 現地げんち[noun] actual site, in the fieldnew34441
- 前提ぜんてい[noun] assumption, premisenew34440
- 成果せいか[noun] resultnew34439
- 資格しかく[noun] qualifications, competencenew34438
- ルールるーる[noun] rulenew34437
- 取り組むとりくむ[verb] work on, tacklenew34436
- 資産しさん[noun] property, assetsnew34435
- 効率こうりつ[noun] efficiencynew34434
- 視点してん[noun] viewpoint, perspectivenew34433
- 世代せだい[noun] generationnew34432
- 職員しょくいん[noun] staff, employeenew34431
- 読者どくしゃ[noun] readernew34430
- 治療ちりょう[verbal noun] medical treatmentnew34429
- メーカーめーかー[noun] maker, manufacturernew34428
- ケースけーす[noun] casenew34426
- 総合そうごう[verbal noun] integration, put togethernew34425
- 財政ざいせい[noun] public finance, financial affairsnew34424
- 企画きかく[verbal noun] plan, projectnew34423
- 予想よそう[verbal noun] expectation, forecastnew34422
- ファンふぁん[noun] fan, admirernew34421
- 終了しゅうりょう[verbal noun] end, terminationnew34420
- アップあっぷ[verbal noun] close-upnew34266
- 詳細しょうさい[noun] details, particularsnew34265
- 負担ふたん[verbal noun] burden, chargenew34264
- デザインでざいん[verbal noun] designnew34263
- 体験たいけん[verbal noun] personal experiencenew34262
- 登録とうろく[verbal noun] registrationnew34261
- 俺おれ[pronoun] I (masculine sense)new34260
- ビジネスびじねす[noun] businessnew34259
- 購入こうにゅう[verbal noun] purchasenew34258
- データでーた[noun] datanew34257
- 市場しじょう[noun] market (industrial, financial, etc.)new34256
- 御無沙汰ごぶさた[verbal noun] be out of touchnew34255
- 通り掛かるとおりかかる[verb] happen to pass bynew34254
- 言葉遣いことばづかい[noun] wording, languagenew34253
- しゃがむしゃがむ[verb] squat downnew34252
- 青白いあおじろい[adjective] palenew34217
- 思い切りおもいきり[adverb] to one's heart's content, with all one's mightnew34216
- ずらりずらり[adverb] lining up neatlynew34215
- 人混みひとごみ[noun] crowdnew34214
- 威張るいばる[verb] put on airs, be arrogantnew34213
- かくかく[verb] scratchnew34212
- 焦げるこげる[verb] be burned, be scorchednew34211
- 戸棚とだな[noun] cupboardnew34210
- 宛名あてな[noun] name of recipient, addresseenew34209
- 思い付くおもいつく[verb] think of, hit uponnew34208
- うがいうがい[verbal noun] garglingnew34207
- ぎっしりぎっしり[adverb] tightly, closelynew34206
- しびれるしびれる[verb] go numb, fall asleepnew34205
- 通帳つうちょう[noun] bankbook, passbooknew34204
- 間もなくまもなく[adverb] soon, in a short timenew34203
- 立ち入り禁止たちいりきんし[noun] no trespassingnew34202
- 目茶苦茶めちゃくちゃ[adjectival noun] in a mess, chaoticnew34201
- 紺こん[noun] dark blue, navy bluenew34200
- うさぎうさぎ[noun] rabbit, harenew34199
- 足下あしもと[noun] step, under footnew34198
- 苛めるいじめる[verb] bully, abusenew34197
- 日にちひにち[noun] datenew34196
- 濡らすぬらす[verb] get (something) wetnew34195
- 散らかすちらかす[verb] make a messnew34194
- 居眠りいねむり[verbal noun] doze, catnapnew34193