English Public
Vocabulary that I can't seem to remember or those I already know but wasn't asked in chapter tests yet...
by karlla
Vocabulary List
- 思い詰めるおもいつめるto worry too much, to think hardnew26504
- 絶えずたえずconstantly, continuity, steadilynew26065
- 手に負えるてにおえるbe able to getnew26058
- 情熱じょうねつpassion, enthusiasmnew25956
- 左右さゆうinfluence, control, dominationnew25954
- さめざめさめざめsorrowfulnew25953
- あっという間にあっというまにquickly, in a blink of time (in the time it takes to say, Ah!)new25926
- 着るきるto wearnew25916
- 短気たんきshort tempernew25915
- 在外ざいがいoverseas, abroadnew25914
- 母国ぼこくhome countrynew25913
- 熱を上げるねつをあげるto become enthusiasticnew25896
- グルグルグルグルturning around and roundnew25864
- 気が重いきがおもいdepressed, feel down, heavy-heartednew25863
- 退社たいしゃresignation, leaving office, leaving worknew25862
- 気が済むきがすむto be satisfiednew25794
- 溜るたまるto collect, to save, to pile upnew25793
- 電源でんげんsource of electricitynew25787
- 自己じこselfnew25743
- 自明じめいobvious, self-evidentnew25690
- 風変わりふうがわりstrange, eccentricnew25689
- 反映はんえいreflectionnew25688
- 一見いっけんglance, glimpsenew25594
- 大通りおおどおりmain streetnew25586
- 冷たいつめたいcold, coldhearted, unfeelingnew25585
- 常につねにalways, constantlynew25584
- 気が利くきがきくto be sensible, to be thoughtful, to be tactfulnew25583
- 不十分ふじゅうぶんshortage, insufficencynew25512
- 心遣いこころづかいsolicitude, anxiety, regard fornew25511
- 眺めるながめるto gaze at, to viewnew25503
- 考え込むかんがえこむto ponder, to broodnew25496
- エネルギーエネルギーenergynew25475
- 結局けっきょくeventuallynew25423
- 就職しゅうしょくemploymentnew25403
- 履くはくto put on (or wear) lower body clothingnew25402
- 結局けっきょくeventuallynew25401
- 着衣ちゃくいclothing, clothesnew25400
- 思い切っておもいきってboldly, resolutely, daringlynew25399
- 就職するしゅうしょくするfinding employmentnew25398
- 人柄ひとがらpersonality, character, personal appearance, gentilitynew25397
- 親離れおやばなれindependence from parentsnew25368
- 効果こうかeffect, resultnew25367
- 愛情あいじょうlove, affectionnew25269
- 岩場いわばrocky areanew25268
- 身近みじかfamiliar, close to onenew25267
- 付き合うつきあうto go out with, to accompany someonenew25266
- 素早いすばやいquick (to understand), sharp (judgement)new25265
- 文句もんくphrase, complaintnew25264
- イソイソイソイソcheerfully, excitedlynew25263
- 冷めるさめるto cool downnew25262
- 借金しゃっきんdebt, loan, liabilitiesnew25261
- 鮪まぐろtuna, dead lay (someone who is inactive during sexual intercourse)new25260
- 滑るすべるto slip, to glide, to slidenew25259
- 員いんmembernew25258
- くらっとくらっとto feel dizzynew25257
- 一方でいっぽうでon the other handnew25256
- 提供ていきょうsponsor, offernew25255
- 実力じつりょくtrue strengthnew25254
- 欠かすかかすto miss (doing), to fail (to do)new25192
- 眺めるながめるto gaze at, to viewnew25191
- デートデートdatenew25190
- 外れるはずれるto get out of a place, to come outnew25189
- 濡れるぬれるget wetnew25180
- 下らないくだらないsilly, worthlessnew25179
- パステルカラーパステルカラーpastel colornew25064
- 内面ないめんinside, interiornew25063
- あいかわらずあいかわらずas ever, as usual, the samenew25062
- 赤ん坊あかんぼうbabynew25058
- 若々しいわかわかしいyouthfulnew25057
- 自体じたいitselfnew25056
- 下らないくだらないsilly, worthlessnew25055
- 消費税しょうひぜいconsumption taxnew25054
- 切り捨てるきりすてるto omit, to truncate, to discardnew25053
- 弁護士べんごしlawyernew25052
- 自由じゆうfreedomnew25050
- 一流いちりゅうfirst class, top gradenew25049
- 契約けいやくcontract, agreementnew25048
- 間もなくまもなくsoon, in a short timenew25038
- 不明ふめいuncertain, ambiguous, unknownnew25037
- 液体えきたいliquidnew25031
- 押し付けるおしつけるto press, to push, to forcenew25011
- 無意識むいしきunconsciousnessnew25010
- 好むこのむto like, to prefernew25007
- 庶民しょみんcommon people, massesnew25006
- 日米にちべいJapan - Americanew25005
- 生命せいめいlife, existencenew25004
- 嘘つきうそつきliarnew25000
- 似るにるto resemble, to be similarnew24999
- 恐らくおそらくlikely, perhaps, probablynew24998
- だらしないだらしないloose, slovenly, sloppy, untidynew24981
- ひょっとするとひょっとするとperhaps, maybe, possiblynew24980
- 被るかぶるto wear (on head), to put on, to pour waternew24978
- 服装ふくそうgarments, clothesnew24977
- 苦しむくるしむto suffernew24976
- 溢れるあふれるoverflow, to fail (in getting a job, fishing, hunting)new24975
- 国籍こくせきnationalitynew24974
- チェックチェックchecknew24973
- 吹くふくto blownew24971
- 生き生きいきいきvividly, livelynew24970
- 気を使うきをつかうto take into considerationnew24962
- 形かたちshape, formnew24961
- 淡いあわいlight, palenew24951
- 全身ぜんしんwhole bodynew24950
- 気にかかるきにかかるto weigh one's mind, to be worried aboutnew24917
- お喋りおしゃべりchatty, blabbermouthnew24916
- 気ままきままselfish, one's own waynew24914
- シーンシーンscenenew24913
- 終るおわるfinish, closenew24901
- 声をかけるこえをかけるto greet, to call outnew24900
- 我侭わがままselfish, egoist, self-indulgence, disobediencenew24899
- 暖かいあたたかいwarm, mildnew24898
- 携帯けいたいcell phone, mobile, handheldnew24897
- 錆びるさびるrust, become rustynew24895
- 待ち時間まちじかんwaiting time, latencynew24886
- 出欠しゅっけつattendancenew24885
- 開くひらくwiden, open up, open (e.g. bank account, festival)new24884
- 移り変わりうつりかわりchange (of seasons)new24883
- 香りかおりfragrance, aroma, scentnew24882
- 産むうむto give birthnew24881
- なくなるなくなるdienew24880
- 事実じじつfactnew24879
- 広げるひろげるspread, extend, widennew24878
- 以前いぜんprevious, ago, since, before (noun)new24877
- 空席くうせきvacant seat, (extra) roomnew24876
- 鯨くじらwhalenew24875
- 蛙かえるfrognew24874
- 空そらskynew24873
- それぞれそれぞれrespectively, eithernew24872
- たびにたびにeverytime when, whenevernew24871
- 港みなとport, harbor, harbour (UK)new24870
- 家庭かていhome, household, familynew24869
- 面倒めんどうtroublesomenew24868
- 限るかぎるlimit, restrict, confinenew24863
- 文章ぶんしょうsentence, composition; writing stylenew24862
- 現代げんだいpresent day, modern timesnew24839
- 内うちinsidenew24838
- エアコンエアコンair conditionernew24837
- 早起きするはやおきするrise (wake up) earlynew24836
- 早くからはやくからearly on, earlier onnew24835
- 電子工学でんしこうがくelectronical engineeringnew24812
- 勤めるつとめるwork (for), serve (as), be employed (at)new24811
- 国民こくみんnation, people, citizennew24810
- 飾るかざるto decoratenew24809
- このぐらいこのぐらいto this extentnew24778
- 飛ぶとぶfly, jump (verb)new24677
- お世話をするおせわをするtake care of, look afternew24676
- 夫婦ふうふ(married) couple, husband and wifenew24675
- 犬いぬdognew24674
- 鹿児島かごしまKagoshimanew24673
- 油あぶらoilnew24672
- 明らかあきらかobvious, clearnew24671
- 苺いちごstrawberrynew24670
- 世話にするせわにするbe under the care of (someone)new24669
- 測定するそくていするto measurenew24668
- 書き入れるかきいれるto write in, to fill innew24667
- 続くつづくto continuenew24666
- 気持ちきもちfeeling, sensation, moodnew24665
- 1980年代1980ねんだい1980'snew24664
- 生物せいぶつliving creature(s)new24662
- 遠くとおくfar away, at a distancenew24661
- 目覚まし時計めざましどけいalarm clocknew24660
- 持ち運ぶもちはこぶcarry by hands, bring (to a place)new24657
- データデータdatanew24656
- 作者さくしゃauthor, writernew24654
- 雨季うきrainy seasonnew24651
- 機嫌がいいきげんがいいin a good moodnew24650
- 心こころheart, spirit, mindnew24649
- 歴史学れきしがくhistory (study of)new24648
- 男性だんせいmale, mannew24632
- お爺さんおじいさんelderly man, grandfathernew24631
- 書き終わるかきおわるto finish writtingnew24630
- 起こるおこるhappen, occur, be held, take placenew24629
- 開花かいかflowering, bloomingnew24610
- 一言ひとことsingle wordnew24609
- 書物しょもつvolume, booksnew24608
- じっとするじっとするto keep still, to keep motionlessnew24607
- 愛あいlovenew24606
- 西瓜すいかwatermelonnew24605
- 役所やくしょgovernment officenew24604
- 畳~じょうcounter for tatami (straw mats for covering the floor), measure of room sizenew24603
- ゲームゲームgamenew24602
- 心からこころからfrom the bottom of one's heartnew24590
- 健康けんこうhealthnew24589
- 有り難うありがとうthank younew24588
- コスモスコスモスcosmosnew24587
- 灰色はいいろgrey, gray, ashennew24586
- 愛するあいするto lovenew24585
- 殺すころすkill (verb)new24584
- 浴槽よくそうbathtubnew24583
- お返しおかえしgift in return, return favornew24582
- 言い忘れいいわすれto forget to mention or saynew24581
- その為そのためfor this reason, hencenew24580
- 挨拶あいさつgreetingnew24579
- 書物しょもつvolume, booksnew24578
- 経済けいざいeconomy, economics, business, financenew24577
- 特別とくべつspecialnew24576
- 笑い顔わらいがおsmiling facenew24575
- 畑はたけfield, farmnew24574
- 足元あしもとat one's feet, underfoot, gait, pace, stepnew24573
- 表情ひょうじょうfacial expressionnew24572
- 新たあらたnew, freshnew24571
- 味覚みかくsense of tastenew24570
- 規則きそくregulation, rulenew24569
- 菊きくchrysanthemumnew24568
- 統計とうけいstatisticsnew24567
- 地べたじべたground, bare earthnew24566
- 書き込むかきこむfill in, write in, post (message)new24565
- 警官けいかんpolicemannew24564
- 仏教ぶっきょうBuddhismnew24563
- 早口言葉はやくちことばtongue twisternew24562
- 向日葵ひまわりsunflowernew24561
- その結果そのけっかas a result, in consequencenew24560
- 突き当たりつきあたりend (e.g. of a street)new24559
- 椿つばきcamelianew24558
- 不完全ふかんぜんincomplete, faulty, imperfect, defectivenew24557
- 勢いいきおいforce, vigor, energy, spirit, life, authority, influence, power, might, tendency, necessarilynew24556
- -よくよくexceedingly; verynew23353
- 鑑みるかんがみるto heed; to take into account; to learn from; to take warning from; in view of; in the light ofnew23352
- 行動こうどうaction; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisationnew23351
- 自らみずからfor one's self; personallynew23350
- レッテルを貼るレッテルをはるto label (someone as)new23349
- -ドタキャンlast-minute cancellationnew23348
- -かなうto be suitednew23347