Grade 2 kanji (Single kanji)
English Public
Grade 2 kanji, single kanji, no okurigana or compounds. Only the stand alone reading / reading in most common word with that kanji is given.
Note; (Nearly) all meanings of the kanji are given; keep in mind that as a single word it may not mean everything listed.
Note; (Nearly) all meanings of the kanji are given; keep in mind that as a single word it may not mean everything listed.
Vocabulary List
- 何なに / なんWhat; hownew8986
- 用ようUse; duty; service; task; business; purposenew8985
- 番ばんNumber (in a series); (one's) turn; watch; guard; lookoutnew8984
- 刀かたなSword; katananew8983
- 歌うたSong; singnew8982
- 科かDepartment; sectionnew8981
- 引ひ(く)Pull; drawnew8980
- 公おおやけ / こうOfficial; public; formal; opennew8979
- 楽らく / たの(しい)Comfort; ease; pleasant; fun; enjoynew8978
- 台だいStand; rack; table; pedastalnew8977
- 当あ(たる) / とうHit; strike; right; appropriate; thisnew8976
- 合あ(う)Fit; suit; merge; joinnew8975
- 毎まい / ごとevery (usu. with events, e.g. every weekend); eachnew8974
- 電でんElectricity; lightningnew8973
- 切き(る) / せつCut; sharp; eager; earnestnew8972
- 社しゃ / やしろCompany; shrine (usually Shinto)new8971
- 明あか(るい)Bright (light); clear; opennew8970
- 船ふねShip; boat; watercraft; vesselnew8969
- 組く(み)Group; team; set; joinnew8968
- 会あ(う) / かいMeeting; meet; society; association; joinnew8967
- 回かい / まわ(す)-times; occurences; revolve; rotate; turnnew8966
- 弓ゆみBow (archery)new8965
- 汽きSteam; vapornew8964
- 午ごNoonnew8963
- 売う(る)Sell; salesnew8962
- 買か(う)Buy; purchasenew8961
- 店みせStore; shop; establishmentnew8960
- 活かつLiving; life; activenew8958
- 止と(まる) / や(める)Stop; halt; ceasenew8957
- 走はし(る)Runnew8954
- 歩ほ / ある(く)Walk; step; stridenew8953
- 帰かえ(る)Return (home); come backnew8952
- 行い(く) / ぎょうGo; going; travelling; line (i.e. of text)new8951
- 来く(る) / らいCome; arrive; next (year, etc.)new8950
- 黒くろBlacknew8949
- 黄きYellownew8948
- 色いろColornew8947
- 茶ちゃTeanew8946
- 米こめ / べいRice; Americanew8945
- 麦むぎWheat; barley; oat (oats)new8944
- 鳴な(く)Make noise; chirp; ring; cry (esp. animal)new8943
- 羽はねFeather; plume; wingnew8942
- 鳥とりBirdnew8941
- 魚さかなFish (animal)new8940
- 牛うしCow; cattlenew8939
- 馬うまHorsenew8938
- 肉にくMeat; fleshnew8937
- 食たべ(る) / しょくEat; meal; foodnew8936
- 元もとOrigin; source; formernew8935
- 作さく / つく(る)Make; createnew8934
- 算さんCalculate; calculationnew8932
- 理りReason; principle; logic; truthnew8931
- 才さいAbility; talent; genius; agenew8930
- 知し(る) / ちKnow; wisdomnew8929
- 考かんが(え)Think about; consider; consideration; ideasnew8928
- 思おも(う)Think; thoughts; emotionnew8927
- 晴は(れ)Fine (weather); clear; sunnynew8926
- 教おし(え)Teach; teachings; lesson; doctrinenew8925
- 工こうCraft; work; worker; constructionnew8924
- 図ずFigure (e.g. Fig 1); drawing; diagram; illustrationnew8923
- 絵えPicturenew8922
- 画が / かくPicture; drawing; stroke (of a kanji, etc.)new8921
- 紙かみPapernew8920
- 記しる(す) / きWrite down; chonicle; reportnew8919
- 書か(く) /しょWrite; writing; document; form; booknew8918
- 読よ(む)Read; readingnew8917
- 語ご / かた(り)Language; speech; talkingnew8916
- 聞き(く)Hear; ask; listennew8915
- 声こえVoicenew8914
- 答こた(え)Response; reply; answer; solutionnew8913
- 言い(う) / げん/ ことSay; tell; word; remark;new8912
- 話はなしTalk; speech; storynew8911
- 道みちRoad; pathnew8910
- 門もん / かどGates; gatenew8909
- 通とお(す) / かよ(う) / つう(じる)Pass through; back and forth; commincate; streetnew8908
- 寺てらBuddhist templenew8907
- 家いえ / うちHouse; homenew8906
- 戸とうDoor (esp. Japanese-style)new8905
- 室しつRoom (of a house/building)new8904
- 星ほしStarnew8903
- 岩いわRock; stonenew8902
- 海うみSea; oceannew8901
- 池いけPondnew8900
- 雲くもCloudnew8899
- 雪ゆきSnownew8898
- 風かぜ / ふうWind (nature); manner; stylenew8897
- 京きょう / けいCapital; metropolisnew8896
- 市しCitynew8895
- 里さとVillage; countryside; countrynew8894
- 原はら / げんField; plain; prairie; originnew8893
- 野のField; plain; rusticnew8892
- 谷たにValleynew8891
- 園その / えんGarden; parknew8890
- 国くにCountrynew8889
- 地ち / つしGround; earth; soil; landnew8888
- 場ばPlace; location; situationnew8887
- 外そと / ほかOutside; foreign; othernew8886
- 内うちInside; withinnew8885
- 後あと / のち / うし(ろ)Behind; afternew8884
- 前まえIn front; beforenew8883
- 近ちか(い)Near; nearby; closenew8882
- 遠とおFar; distantnew8881
- 西にしWestnew8880
- 東ひがしEastnew8879
- 南みなみSouthnew8878
- 北きたNorthnew8877
- 方かた / ほうDirection; side; way; manner ofnew8876
- 間あいだ / かんSpace (between); gap; interval; period of timenew8875
- 古ふるOld; aged; second-hand; usednew8874
- 新しん / あたら(しい)Newnew8873
- 今いまNow; currentnew8872
- 冬ふゆWinternew8871
- 秋あきAutumn; Fallnew8870
- 夏なつSummernew8869
- 春はるSpring (season)new8868
- 週しゅうWeeknew8867
- 分ふん / ぶんPart; minute of time; segment; understandnew8866
- 夜よるNight; eveningnew8865
- 昼ひるDaytime; middaynew8864
- 朝あさMorningnew8863
- 曜ようWeekdaynew8862
- 時とき / じTime; hour; moment; occasionnew8861
- 心こころMind; heart; spiritnew8860
- 首くびNecknew8859
- 顔かおExpression; face (of a person)new8858
- 頭あたまHead; mind; brain; intellectnew8848
- 毛けHair; furnew8847
- 体からだBody; form; physical; healthnew8846
- 友ともFriend; companion; palnew8845
- 自じ / みずか(ら)Oneself; one's self; naturalnew8844
- 妹いもうとYounger sisternew8843
- 弟おとうとYounger brothernew8842
- 兄あにOlder brothernew8841
- 姉あねOlder sisternew8840
- 父ちちFathernew8839
- 母ははMothernew8838
- 親おや / しんParent; parents / Intimate; closenew8837
- 同どう / おな(じ)Same; identical; in agreement; uniformnew8836
- 高たかTall; high; expensive; amountnew8835
- 強つよ(い)Strong; powerful; force; resistantnew8834
- 弱じゃく / よわ(い)Weak; delicate; fragilenew8833
- 矢やArrow; dartnew8832
- 線せんLine; tracknew8831
- 直ちょくStraightaway; direct; honesty; fix; repairnew8830
- 計けいMeasure; plannew8829
- 角かく / かど/ つのAngle; corner; hornnew8828
- 光ひかりLight; shinenew8827
- 交まじ(わる)Mix; combine; cross; intersectnew8826
- 丸まるCircle; round; fullnew8825
- 点てんPoint; spot; scorenew8824
- 長なが(い) / ちょう / おさLong; lengthy / Chief; headnew8816
- 広ひろ(い)Spacious; wide; spread; spannew8815
- 細ほそSlender; thin; weak; fine; detailednew8802
- 太ふと(い)Fat; plumpnew8801
- 形かたちForm; shape; figurenew8800
- 半はんHalfnew8799
- 万まんTen thousandnew8798
- 少しょうSmall; little; fewnew8797
- 多たMany; numerous; multinew8796
- 数かず / すうNumber; severalnew8795